Hey bud, I really need some of your pc! The pierce and hunter dual auto, the paul /25 auto and the livingston prosigs auto. Lmk if we can work something out, thanks.
Check my site mate,I like a couple of your auto's.
Have not got a great deal at the moment,but i have some other cards incoming aswell.LMK .if there is anything there at the moment you might like.Thanx.
No worries, I think I have the sweet shot anyway. Let me get back to you next week as I have already put a bid on the Chalmers Signs of Stardom. If I get outbid how about the Ariza & Chalmers for the Arenas?
No probs. The Signs of Stardom will be worth more, but I'm relating it to ebay sales as the Ariza goes for $1.99US and the chalmers is less, just the bloody postage gets me!
Hey bud, I really need some of your pc! The pierce and hunter dual auto, the paul /25 auto and the livingston prosigs auto. Lmk if we can work something out, thanks.