No offense but the shelves should of been higher apart. If they were higher apart you would be able to see the next row of cards a lot better. Of course it depends on what angle your looking at it from but I think it would be better if it was the way I mentioned. Still well done
Thanks mate, you can see the top half of the next row. The reason I did it that way to to maximise the little space I had as there is at least 115 cards of the top of my head that I want to display.
Thats awesome,i do agree with what some people have said to make it a bit higher but after read throught the read of your post in regards to that all i can say that's cool.
Great job Scott - I think my best effort in woodwork was to actually turn up to the classes!
Agree with Rhys re: the square stands, I used the stands that you have used (I only have bookcase shelves) and found that the square ones give me more room.
Hey have you ever had any problems storing any signature cards in these ultra pro products?
I've just ordered a fair few stands and cases for my nrl insert signature cards but i put a couple in and im unsure whether or not it will scratch up the signature over time or not.
Love the display btw - taken a leaf out of your book and going to do something similar
Thanks mate, appreciate it... I haven't got anything set up in it yet as I have a whole heap of supplies and boxes being delivered early next week. Once that arrives, ill put all of te cards I want into one touch magnetics, as soon as I've done that ill upload a couple more pics.