My maildays

Great World Cup. Thoroughly enjoyed. Went for four games in the stadium including the finals. Got around 25 autographs including Ambrose on a red ball which was the highlight for me. I added around 18 signed cards including Gayle, Russell. I will show pics in the next week or so.

Pictured below are
a) Perrera, Herath on red balls
b) Lloyd, Zaheer Abbas, Lloyd, Dave Richardson on mini bats.

I could have gone more but I get tired and am a bit busy, so like to space it out.

Quick question regarding signatures on bats - I prefer to go left to right. However, in these bats, the GM is opposite. So I have to go right to left (as you can see in the 3 bats laying together). What are your views on this? Right now I have only these kinds of bats available.