My holy grail...1928 hoadleys Don Bradman


Panthers 1991
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Ive spent 28 years trying to locate the card

...1928 hoadleys Don Bradman rookie ...

Finally got one


I picked up my long time wanted card 28-29 Ogden the other week (mailday coming soon) but I'm not really knowledgeable on Cricket cards - what made this a grail for you and/or so hard to find?
Is it similar to basketball where a player might have 5 first year (Rookie) cards and you could break them down to which was released first Like Topps came out in March then Upper Deck in April etc? Or is it thought of differently with cricket?
Great card I have recently purchased 1 as well and the Schneider card never thought I would be able to get them both only need 1 card to finish the set and that is the Beeston card have about 12 spares from the set if anyone wants to swap.
Great card I have recently purchased 1 as well and the Schneider card never thought I would be able to get them both only need 1 card to finish the set and that is the Beeston card have about 12 spares from the set if anyone wants to swap.
I'm building a 1928 Hoadley's set as well. What spares do you have? I have other era Cricket cards and Bradmans to swap or I would just buy some of your '28 Hoadley's if the match my gaps.
I'm building a 1928 Hoadley's set as well. What spares do you have? I have other era Cricket cards and Bradmans to swap or I would just buy some of your '28 Hoadley's if the match my gaps.
Gday mate I hope your doing well, would be happy to swapsome cards as well mate, Im after Bradman cards as well as pre Bradman era Australian cards back as far as 1897 so far with 1 Tally Ho in the collection, allways looking for more. The spare Hoadleys that I have are, Abeckett, Alexander ,Andrews, Bardsley, Blackie, Nicholls, Oldfield, Oxenham ,Richardson, Hack, Hendry, Higgins, Kellaway, Kippax, Mckay, Maileyx2, Scaife. I am after the Beeston card to finish my set if you have it.
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