My first Kobe - It's a BEAUTY!


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Hey guys,

Just got this in via Express Mail from Taiwan. It's a beauty and it is a part of my recent project; Superstar Autograph by choice.

I'm really glad in acquiring this set into my collection once again. I had a real beauty of Iguodala, which I had to let go! :cry:

Please enjoy and apologies for the slightly scratched case:

04-05 Upper Deck Ultimate Collection - Kobe Bryant - Signature Patches #4/25 (2 Colour Patches)



Beautiful card ersk u always seem to amaze me!

ah-ha! i knew it all along, ersk and henkita are the same person! :lol:

great pick up for your superstar auto collection henkita (seems like many people are now starting these collections). not to dis or anything, but i think those cards are a bit overrated, the autos on those are blurry and pretty average 90% of the time. id prefer a nice clean on card auto, but hey thats me.
ah-ha! i knew it all along, ersk and henkita are the same person! :lol:

great pick up for your superstar auto collection henkita (seems like many people are now starting these collections). not to dis or anything, but i think those cards are a bit overrated, the autos on those are blurry and pretty average 90% of the time. id prefer a nice clean on card auto, but hey thats me.

Haha lol just typed in ersk for some reason but sweet card Hentika
what a lovely auto patch hendra.. this is gonna be a great sweet... what i like about kobe is.. whenever i see kobe's cards.. the action is very real.. and he's very acrobatic...
great pick up for your superstar auto collection henkita (seems like many people are now starting these collections). not to dis or anything, but i think those cards are a bit overrated, the autos on those are blurry and pretty average 90% of the time. id prefer a nice clean on card auto, but hey thats me.[/QUOTE]

they arent that blury if you have them in hand,great card mate,i have several wallaces from the same set

great pickup hen

Tis a great card design, those Signature Patches.

But unfortunately they do tend to leave the sigs blurry, or faded looking.

Still, it's not your fault. Well done on the pickup!
I like the idea of an auto on a game used patch though - they don't do many sets like that - great pickup mate!
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