Hey guys, busted open my first case of any product today, which was 10/11 Ultimate collection. I was planning to open it over a few days but got pretty excited and opened it in one go lol
I was very happy with the results considering this product doesnt have the best reputation
Will post the hits from each box, but Ill start with the free box of 09/10 UD, happy to beat the odds with 2 GUs shame about the players lol
Box 1: Derrick Rose Shout Out auto /25 (Redemption ) - Very happy with this good way to start the case off, too bad it was a redemption but it is in stock though
Box 2: Mark Jackson/ Darrell Griffith Ultimate Rivalries /25
Box 3: George Gervin 1997 on card auto - My first case hit, not too bad of a player
Box 4: Moses Malone Ultimate signatures /99
Box 5: Ed Davis personal touch /25 "He got game"
Box 6: Gail Goodrich All Time draft auto /75
Box 7: Michael Jordan/Bill Russell Ultimate Rivalries dual oncard auto /25 (redemption) - Very happy to hit an MJ after hearing that they were only one per 4 cases or something similar. This is a redemption though But it is instock and live as well so hopefully it comes soon
Box 8: Derrick Rose 1997 oncard auto - Thought the rest of the case was dead but this was awesome and my second case hit
Box 9: Gordon Haywood Ultimate Rookie signatures /99
Box 10: Avery Johnson auto /75
Box 11: Brandon Roy auto /75 - Was happy with this
Box 12: George Gervin auto /99 - Lol another Gervin auto in the same case
Box 13: BJ Armstrong auto /99
Box 14: Julius Erving auto /25 - Another big hit for the case
Box 15: Lynch/Hardaway/Cassell/Cheaney Quad auto /15
So was really happy with the case break overall: MJ/Russell dual, 2 x Drose autos, Erving auto, BRoy auto, 2 x Gervin auto
Pretty good break - individual boxes of that stuff can be pretty brutal with those 'Mateen Cleaves' hits - or was that last year? Anyway - great busting!
Pretty good break - individual boxes of that stuff can be pretty brutal with those 'Mateen Cleaves' hits - or was that last year? Anyway - great busting!
quite possibly the best case of ultimate ever busted to be honest.
1) MJ / Russell dual on-card auto
2) a quad auto featuring penny
3) 2 x d rose autos
4) 2 of the best 10-12 rookies of the class autos
5) dr j auto
6) b roy auto
7) 2 x g gervin autos
dude you've actually made money on the case (or at the very least broken even) if you decide to sell all of those cards. that quite simply does not happen in 2011. GREAT WORK!!!
quite possibly the best case of ultimate ever busted to be honest.
1) MJ / Russell dual on-card auto
2) a quad auto featuring penny
3) 2 x d rose autos
4) 2 of the best 10-12 rookies of the class autos
5) dr j auto
6) b roy auto
7) 2 x g gervin autos
dude you've actually made money on the case (or at the very least broken even) if you decide to sell all of those cards. that quite simply does not happen in 2011. GREAT WORK!!!