my first case break.... 07-08 Chronology Basketball


Magic/Bird Collector
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I ever wanted to do a case break. Since I really like the design of 07-08 Chronology, I decided to try my luck with it.

I also thought it would be a good occasion for my first video break.

Here it is:

Part 1

Part 2

I apologize for my bad english. I'm out of practice.

For those who don't want to watch the whole video break, here is a recap of the case break:

Base /250

Joe Dumars $6,00
John Paxson $6,00
Bill Cunningham $6,00
Michael Jordan $40,00
Magic Johnson $12,00
Bernard King $6,00
Dawe Cowens $8,00
Tom Chambers $6,00
Mark Aqquire $6,00
Clyde Lovelette $6,00
Earl Monroe $6,00
Oscar Robertson $6,00
Lionel Hollins $6,00
Tom Chambers $6,00
Luc Longley $6,00
Michael Jordan $40,00

Rookie Redemption

#20 Gold n/a
#23 $25,00
#23 $25,00
#25 $25,00
#25 $25,00
#26 $25,00
#31 $30,00
#33 $25,00

Base AU

Will Perdue $20,00
Kenny Smith RED $15,00
Lionell Hollins $15,00
Darrell Walker $15,00
Gus Williams $15,00
John Paxson $30,00
Kermit Washington $15,00
B.J. Armstrong $20,00

Stitches in Time Jsy

Ben Gordon 5/5 n/a gone
Deron Williams 15/15 $15,00 gone
Jared Dudley /99 $10,00
David Robinson 50/99 $12,00 gone
Al Horford 13/99 $10,00
Kirk Hinrich 49/99 $10,00
Acie Law IV 09/50 $10,00 gone

Painted AU

Al Horford 58/99 $30,00
Dominic McQuire 11/99 $25,00
Norm Nixon 25/99 $25,00
Moses Malone 86/99 $30,00
Vince Carter 02/10 n/a gone
Julian Wright 05/10 n/a
Wilson Chandler 23/99 $25,00
Bill Lambeer 10/10 n/a

other AU

Bill Lambeer/Adrian Dantley Seriatim Dual AU 13/80 $30,00
Dominique Wilkins Through the Year AU 22/50 $40,00
Sidney Moncrief Dedications AU 45/50 $15,00
Dan Issel My Generations AU 07/70 $15,00
James Silas My Generations Gold AU 01/10 n/a
Adrian Dantley Stitches in Time Patch AU 02/15 n/a
Larry Bird/Magic Johnson/Sidney Moncrief Freshman Registry Triple AU 18/25 n/a
Bob McAdoo Time Elapsed AU /50 $30,00
Spencer Haywood Mastery Gold AU 04/10 n/a









I'm pretty satisfied with the result. It has been a lot of fun.

All cards are FS only at the moment, to get some money back.

thanks for watching!
Nice Patch on the Dantley. And Sweet case Hit on the triple =D>

Did you list the redemptions? I didn't watch the vid BTW. Too early, the kids are upstairs asleep ;)
WOW!!! Nice break...the triple is really sweet!! I also like the Domique Wilkins and the VC!! Thanks for sharing!!
great break, sweet triple auto. thanks heaps for sharing, look forward to seeing some more case breaks from you soon!! :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
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