I nearly have 1500 different Alonzo Mourning cards. I know most of you that see my maildays know that I am a huge collector of his stuff. You may or may not have asked, "Why haven't I see an Exquisite ZO mailday?" Well the main reason is that they usually go for over 200$ on the bay and I could never afford one and the other reason is that I told my self if I was going to get one, it'd better be an auto patch and low numbered. Some of you also might know from these maildays, that Scott/spphill5 has been mentioning me helping him out on the US only auctions. Well, he returned the favor by tracking down this beauty from collectorgallore who had a stipulation for shipping to US buyers. We all got it figured out one night and arranged a deal. It arrived today! HUGE SHOUT OUT TO SCOTT!!!
Must be well worth the wait man Great pickup there and sounds like an insane Zo collection you have, awesome first up exquisite! Well done to Terry and Scott for hooking you up too...
i got that one too. i got on a 55 dollar buy it now on ebay. my swatch is all red. youll see it on my page someday. when i put up the pics of my best cards. i only need one more card from this year of exquisite.