My First Alonzo Mourning EXQUISITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I nearly have 1500 different Alonzo Mourning cards. I know most of you that see my maildays know that I am a huge collector of his stuff. You may or may not have asked, "Why haven't I see an Exquisite ZO mailday?" Well the main reason is that they usually go for over 200$ on the bay and I could never afford one and the other reason is that I told my self if I was going to get one, it'd better be an auto patch and low numbered. Some of you also might know from these maildays, that Scott/spphill5 has been mentioning me helping him out on the US only auctions. Well, he returned the favor by tracking down this beauty from collectorgallore who had a stipulation for shipping to US buyers. We all got it figured out one night and arranged a deal. It arrived today! HUGE SHOUT OUT TO SCOTT!!! :D

Must be well worth the wait man :thumbsup: Great pickup there and sounds like an insane Zo collection you have, awesome first up exquisite! Well done to Terry and Scott for hooking you up too...
i got that one too. i got on a 55 dollar buy it now on ebay. my swatch is all red. youll see it on my page someday. when i put up the pics of my best cards. i only need one more card from this year of exquisite.
That is dare I say it, an absolutely Exquisite Card. I reckon Zo has one of the sweetest sigs of all the players.:thumbsup:
Congrats mate thats a killer of a first Exquisite to get.
Hope to see more follow but not at the expense of your cool 90's inserts ;)
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