My Derrick Rose Bowman came in the mail today!! Awesome!! 1/1


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My Derrick Rose came in the mail on Mon., a nice little early X-mas gift!! I am very excited, as its his jersey number as well!! It sure did scan alot nicer with my scaner, it actually refracts like crazy and is a nice design! (minus sticker, but I don't care that much!) Thanks for looking!!

Taz Cardz, I don't have two of them, the first post I made was with the pic from ebay, after I won the card, the second post's pic was, once I had recieved the card in the mail, from the sender, I used my scaner on the card to get the card to refract more, but wow! They do look alot diff, from my scaner to his!!! Thanks for the great comments mates!! Keep collecting hard !!!!:thumbsup::wave:
I was born in Australia mate and lived in MELBOURNE, untill I was 11 on KING STREET! So I can say it! Wish I could move back:(, and oneday I will!!;)
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