My Cronulla Sharks PC Want list.


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Hi there,

Below is a list of the cards I need to complete my Cronulla PC.

My PC consists of an individual 9 pocket page for every single sharks trading card with a signed card in the middle or a 4 pocket page of every postcard size card.

I prefer to only collect Near Mint to Mint cards depending on the rarity of them.
I am in no hurry to finish these sets, but if anyone has any of these out there at a realistic price I would certainly be more than interested.

I do have a lot of cards to trade from all other Teams if required.

Cronulla want list
1967 daily mirror team postcard x 1
1968B club crest x 1
1969 - ray Westwood,Gordon Abercrombie,terry hughes,graham Wilson x 1 of each.
1971 Mobil - 15 ray Corcoran, 25 tommy bishop x 1 of each.
1974 checklist x 3 unmarked
1975 checklist x 2 unmarked
1978 checklist x 2 unmarked
1985 stickers 178 David harris, 183 mark Wakefield x 1
1992 colour gram x 6
1992 stickers 72 et, 73 Greg cranberry, 77 mark McGraw,
78 David trewhella, 79 Michael potter x 1
1993 170 Stuart topper, 171 Danny lee x 1
1993 fielders 156 Kurt wrigley x 1
1994 hometown heroes x 1
1994 tooheys blues et x 2
1994 kangaroos et x 3
1994 kangaroos Steve Rodgers x 6
1995 Pizza Hut et x 1
1995 coca cola kangaroo et x 1
1996 captain et x2
1996 freshmen mat Rogers x 3
1996 time warp mat Rogers x 3
1996 second year sensations Richard Barrett x 1
1996 speed demons et x 4
1996 state wars et x 3
1996 Paul green cel card x 4 non foil
1997 super heroes et x 6
1997 super heroes Paul green x 7
2000 stars of origin mat Rogers x 4, martin Lang x2, David peachey x 3
2001 future force Colin best x 2
2003 scanlens / select , kimmorley/stevens x 2
2004 honour roll Danny nutley x 2
2004 predictor/captain , Brett kimmorley x 2
2004 unredeemed predictor x 7
2005 tri nations Brett kimmorley x 5
2005 club heroes , David peachey x 4
2005 future force , Michael Sullivan x 4
2005 inspiration , Steve Rogers x 3
2005 predictor / playmakers , peachey/kimmorley x 6
2005 unredeemed predictor x 8
2006 top trio x 2
2006 hot property, David Simmons x 4
2006 predictor/league leader, kimmorley x 4
2006 unredeemed predictor x 8
2007 sketch , Adam dykes x 1
2007 sketch, Ben pomeroy x 6
2007 top prospect , Fraser Anderson x 4
2007 predictor/enforcer, Ben Ross x 4
2007 unredeemed predictor x 5
2008 sketch , Paul Gallen x 3
2008 sketch , Reece Williams x 3
2008 centenary foil logo x 1
2008 past heroes , mark McGraw x 1
2009 top prospect , Mitch brown x 3
2009 double trouble x 1
2009 predictor/top try scorer, Blake ferguson x 1
2009 unredeemed predictor x 6
2009 scanlens/select , Gallen/Barrett+header x 1
2010 superstar gem, Paul Gallen x 2
2011 rookie sensation , Nathan Gardner x 1
2011 top prospect , Nathan Gardner x 6
2011 predictor/top try scorer, Ben pomeroy x 3
2011 unredeemed predictor x 5
2012 predictor/top try scorer , Ben pomeroy x 4
2012 unredeemed predictor x 2
2012 ESP parallel, Paul Gallen kangaroo x 1
2012 ESP parallel, Paul Gallen all stars x 1
2012 ESP parallel Paul Gallen NSW x 2
2012 ESP captain signature , Paul Gallen x 3
2012 ESP case card, Todd carney x 2

Thanks TonyB
I have the daily mirror 67 b/w team card near mint no writing on back? And a monty porter from the same set printed number on back mint as well dug out of suitcase in fathers attic that hasn't seen daylight in over 40 years with 50 other cards from this set
I have the daily mirror 67 b/w team card near mint no writing on back? And a monty porter from the same set printed number on back mint as well dug out of suitcase in fathers attic that hasn't seen daylight in over 40 years with 50 other cards from this set

Welcome to the forums mate.

Please keep an eye on how old the threads are .. In this case, 2012 and also how active the user is ... Again a while ago, 2013 was the last time they logged on.

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