After hours of hard labour, ive come up with a complete list of cards i have for sale/trade.
mostly 90's sets and players and a few GU and AUTO towards the end.
any interest pls PM or post here.
im a drexler only collector so will only trade for drexlers, and am very reasonable with prices as i want these cards gone.
am looking for these tho:
1993-94 Upper Deck 326 329
1995-96 Hoops 128 164
After hours of hard labour, ive come up with a complete list of cards i have for sale/trade.
mostly 90's sets and players and a few GU and AUTO towards the end.
any interest pls PM or post here.
im a drexler only collector so will only trade for drexlers, and am very reasonable with prices as i want these cards gone.
am looking for these tho:
1993-94 Upper Deck 326 329
1995-96 Hoops 128 164