well i prefer sell but can trade for the following...
-larry johnson
-andrew bynum
-05-06 greats of the game /99
in a second time..
-rodney stuckey
-daequan cook
-joakim noah high end
-exquisite 07-08
-low number less than /15
- jersey number
here is my NEW trade..
big L----LARRY JOHNSON -------
95-96 topps finest bordered "test" refractor---150$
james posey
99-00 ex rc /3499
99-00 fleer focus rc /3999 ----4$ + portaits
99-00 flair next 0,75$
99-00 skybox apex rc n°163 1,50$
99-00 skybox premium rc 1,50$
99-00 stadium club chrome rc n°144 4$
99-00 topps chrome rc n°112 6$
99-00 topps gold label new standard 2,50$
99-00 ultra rc 5$
99-00 ud ovation n°73 5$
tim duncan
97-98 flair rc row3 6$
97-98 z force rc n°111 2$
97-98 spx rc 37 15$
97-98 metal rc n°66 3$
97-98 metal universe rc n°72 3$
97-98 topps rc n° 115 2$
97-98 ud rc n°114 6$
97-98 collector's choice rc n°323 1,50$
94-95 sp rc n°13---3$, + die cut--5$
94-95 skybox draft pick dp 13----8$
94-95 fleer 1rst year phenom-----2,50$
94-95 ud se n°112---2,50$
94-95 ultra all rookies series 13 of15----3$
95-96 spx gold n°14
95-96 ultra gold medaillon n°47----6$
95-96 fleer metal gold n°27
95-96 fleer rookie sensation 12 of 15
99-00 ultra gold n°57
95-96 assets hot print (parallel)
94 gold standard promo p2 1of 10 000
94 pacific prism n°52-------5$
95 score board phone card 2$
94 gold standard signature n°gs 20
99-00 spx n°32 radiance 089/100ex-----25$
99-00 sp sign of the times----20$
99-00 ud mvp prosign jalen rose---20$
95-96 finest refractor n°85---25$
95 ud n°163 electic court gold----15$
94-95 sp die cut holoview----12$ + holoview---5$
94-95 topps rc spectralight 8$
95 classic image flashbacks /4495ex
94 classic autograph nno ( extremment dur a trouver)-----25$
RICHARD HAMILTON (99-00 rc year)
skybox rc n°107---1,50$ + sp 6$
topps tipoff rc n°114----2,50$
holographics rc n°72----3$
ud mvp rc n°213 gold script /100--30$ -
ud rc n°162 bronze /100---30$
al harrington ( year 98-99 rc )
flair n°53 row 3---2$ et row 2----3$
stadium club rc n°216----1$
stadium club chrome refractors scc 40--5$
ex rc n°79---4$
skybox molten metal rc n°54---3$
fleer brillants rc n°122---2$
skybox fresh faces 3 of 10----3$
sp (gold) vital signs----10$
press pass 98 autograph---10$
topps chrome rc n°133----5$
mike bibby ( rc year 98-99)
ex rc n°86---8$
ud encore rc n °115---8$
finest rc n°227---8$
skybox rc n°262---6$
fleer brillants rc n°102-4$
skybox b.p.o 6 of 15---2$
skybox fresh faces 1 of 10----5$
topps chrome rc n°196----12$
04-05 E-XL Court Authentic gu 243/500 CA-MB Kings
03/04 UD GLASS GAME GEAR ---12$
KENNY THOMAS houston rockets ( rc year 99-00)
skybox rc sp n°122----2,50$
ud black diamond rc n°111----1$
ud black diamond final cut /50-----20$
sp authentic rc n°109 /1500-----15$
spx rc n°115 /3500-----5$
fleer mystique rc n°114 /2999ex
finest rc refractors----6$
finest rc gold refractors----20$
stadium club rc n°197 one of a kind /150---8$
ultra gold madaillon rc n°147-----3$
flair freshink (auto)---8$
flair ball of fame---4$
fleer autographics-----8$
fleer force rc n°210 /1600---6$
press pass 99 auto /100---8$
sage 99 auto /650,---6$ /400---8$
press pass auto
00-01 Ultimate Victory Ultimate Fabrics UFC2 K.Martin/D.Miles----$20.00
04-05 gerald wallace ud hardcourt materials hm gw---10$
03-04 topps rc lebron james--20$
04-05 ud all star prominent futures threads josh howard/j.hayes---10$
05-06 ud hardcourt jersey chris bosh
04-05 bowman rookie registration jersey kevin martin--12$
06-07 ricky davis topps trademark moves /35
06-07 Topps Full Court "Press" /1499 D. Wade $4.00
05-06 topps bazooka blue rc /5 charlie villanueva --vvvhtg--
05-06 trilogy rc /999 gerald green, monta ellis, daniel ewing
03-04 Yao Ming UD Glass Superlative Swatches $8.00 $20.00
06-07 exquisite patch autograph garbajosa /100--100$
06/07 UD Reserve Materials JSY Chris BOSH /100
06-07 bowman chrome rc auto daniel gibson --40$
05-06 trilogy signs of stardom linas kleiza---12$
06-07 finest xrc refractor KEVIN DURANT /399--100$
07-08 chronology exch letterman spencer hawes "h" /250--25$
06-07 ultimate rc auto shawne williams /350
06-07 ultimate rc auto randy foye /350--40$
06-07 triple threads gay-morrison-carney /27--25$
04-05 ultimate ultimate auto achievements /50 clyde drexler--80$
02/03 Fleer Tradition School ties Authentic game worn pant Webber/Rose/J. Howard
99/00 finest Next Generation Refr S Marion $15
06-07 UD Black Dual Materials Gold RC Tyrus Thomas /25
07-08 spx super scripts auto daniel gibson--20$
06-07 trilogy futures signatures renaldo balkman--12$
06-07 ultimate rc auto /350 randy foye--40$
06-07 ultimate rc auto /350 shawne williams--20$
03-04 sp game used authentics fabrics auto /100 steve francis--40$
99-00 ud mvp prosign jalen rose---20$
96-97 skybox auto ed o'bannon---12$
06-07 luxury box rc /499 kyle lowry
06-07 luxury box rc /499 a.johnson
06-07 trilogy team trios boston /33 al jefferson, d.west, s telfair
06-07 trilogy rc /299 tyrus thomas---12$
06-07 trilogy rc /499 maurice ager--5$
06-07 trilogy rc /499 will blalock--5$
06-07 ultimate /499 m.okur--2,50$
06-07 ultimate /499 t.prince-4$
06-07 sp signature rc /299 m.ager
01-02 ultra one the road mike miller--10$
05-06 rookie authentics fabrics matt freije
06-07 ud reserve materials /100 m.redd
05-06 topps 52 style hardwood classics ben wallace---8$
06-07 luxury box /349 l.hughes
07-08 sp game used cut from the cloth m.redd
06-07 trilogy generations ak47
97-98 flair row 1 michael jordan---30$
fleer 93-94 superstars 7 of 20
flair 97-98 n°1----10$
98-99 ud choice n°23
ud 96-97 n°16--5$
metal (not universe) 97-98 n°23--5$
skybox 97-98 n°29
black diamond 98-99 n°5
ud 92-93 n°23
fleer 92-93 n°32
cc 94-95 n°204
ud atlete of the century 99 n°4,79
metal 96-97 n°11
87-88 fleer n°56
88-99 fleer stickers n°5
90-91 fleer n°93
flair 95-96 rc n°206---6$
sp rc n°159--12$
hoops rc n°272
06-07 luxury box /499 kevin garnett---4$
93-94 topps finest 189 rc !
ud 92-93 rc trade card n°1b-----20$
topps 92-93 rc n°362----10$
spx finite 98-99 n°143 spectrum /250----80$
05-06 spx winning combos marion/stoudemire
mc grady 97-98 rc----metal universe n°36--4$--topps n°125--3$--skybox n°79--5$--metal n°42--fleer n°226--2,50$-- flair n°21 row2--12$-, row3-8$--zforce n°172--2,50$--stadium club n°217--4$
07-08 topps echelon auto /99 deron williams
04-05 redeemed finest red refractor rc deron williams /159--- 40$
05/06 TOPPS Big Game Draft Day Picture Perfect Relics Shorts /129
01-02 UD Flight Team Flight Patterns Gold BD /125
01-02 ud superstars warm up gu --12$
stadium club 96-97 rookie showcase---10$
finest 96-97 rc n°31---8$
ud 96-97 rookie exclusives----6$
05-06 spx winning materials --10$
jerry stackouse finest 95-96 rc n°113
cc 94-95 crash the game gold--0,75$
94-95 ultra all rookies----2,50$
ultra 95-96 gold medaillon n°104---5$
94 classic preview bp 4---4$
flair 98-99 row 2 n°35---1$
03/04 fleer Patchworks “Patch†3 colors Dual /100--25$
moses malone ud 92-93 15 000 point club pc 10
tony battie
97-98 ex stardate 2001
ud 97-98 rookie discovery 2 (rare) + rd1
flair 97-98 row 1 n°40
97-98 ultra rim rockers + ultra gold rc
press pass 97 showdown 3 of 8 /joe smith
skybox 98-99 b.p.o
97-98 cc starquest
96-97 ud rookie exclusives r15
97-98 stadium club never compromise nc 16
fleer focus 99-00 soar subjects--1,50$
finest 98-99 n° 180
flair 97-98 row 3 n°15
06-07 SPx Winning Combos S.Marbury/Q.Richardson $10.00 --3eur
Steve nash
96-97 SP RC 142
gary payton flair 97-98 row 3 n°26
ray allen
flair 99-00 n°38
96-97 ex2000 rc n°45--2,50$
finest silver n°267-----1,25$
sp 96-97 premium collection pc24----5$
flair 96-97 class of ninety six--3$
ud 96-97 rookie exclusives r3---2$
topps chrome rc n°198--5$
deshawn stevenson press pass se 2000 autographs /500
deshawn stevenson press pass 2000 autographs
topps 97-98 o pee chee n°94--5$
finest 97-98 n°43 refractor-15$
z force 96-97 zensations----5$
z force 96-97 rc z cling r3---6$
topps 96-97 rc nba 50 n°128----8$
cc 96-97 crash the game c28 feb-24-mar2----3$
fleer 97-98 rookie rewind 1 of 10------4$
tsc rc r 3--2$
ex 99-00 n°24----1$
flair 98-99 n°9 row 3---0,75$
03/04 Flair Showcase Sweet sigs Shareef Abdur-Rahim 227/760
metal 99-00 heavy metal 3 of 10
05/06 Ud Rookie debut threads 8$
96-97 ud n°118
96-97 finest gold !
rasheed wallace 95-96 finest rack pack---15$
larry hugues
stadium club chrome 99-00 refractors n°35
skybox 98-99 rc n°239
rashard lewis
fleer brillants 98-99 rc n°120
ultra 99-00 gold n°62
spx finite 98-99 rc rashard lewis /2500---30$
skybox 98-99 majestic 10 of 15
97-98 rc skybox n°117
topps chrome rc 97-98 n°118
flair 94-95 rc n°213
99-00 ud now showing ns26---4$
99-00 ex n°16---2,50$
06/07 SP Authentic Authentic Fabrics Dual Carter / Kidd /100 $25
lorenzen wright
96-97 ex 2000 rc n°29----2$
sp 96-97 premium collection pc17
ud rookie exclusives r14
flair 96-97 class of ninety six
elton brand
ex 99-00 generation ex 10 of 15
tim james fleer focus 99-00 ray of light
tim james spx rc auto /2500 n°111
tim thomas collector's edge 97 edge energy
black diamond 98-99 n°68
finest 97-98 n°95
94-95 finest rc jason kidd---25$
steve francis
metal 99-00 platinum portraits----1,50$
99-00 holographics rc n°81-----5$
ud retro rc n°109---2,50$
fleer 99-00 rc n°211----2$, ud mvp rc-----2$
03-04 sp game used authentics fabrics auto /100 steve francis--40$
latrell sprewell skybox 92-93 rc n°342----4$, ultra rc n°266----2,50$, hoops rc n°389----3$, topps rc n°392---1,25$
samaki walker 96-97 metal n°164 precious metal----4$
samaki walker 96-97 finest rc n°42---1,25$
danny fortson rc (97-98-- ex 2001 N76---sp n°39--topps chrome n°210--ultra n°132
bowman's best atomic refractor 97-98
flair 97-98 legacy row3 /100ex
ud3 97-98 rookie portfolio r10---15$ ---5eur
98-99 finest refractor n°182
ultra 98-99 platinum /99 ex
michael doleac ultra 98-99 gold rc n°113
michael doleac spx finite radiance rc N 222
95-96 skybox draft pick
95-96 flair class of '95-----3$
finest 95-96 mystery borderless silver ---10$
95-96 flair wave of the future----3$
spx 96 N°46------3$ + gold ....6$
finest 98-99 n°195
flair 97-98 row 3 n°10----1$
isaiah rider stadium club first day issue rc n°234--12$--4eur
d.mutombo 97-98 flair row 1 n°42
eddie jones sp 94-95 rc n°10
bonzi wells fleer brillants 98-99 rc n°111
bonzi wells 98 collectors edge pro signatures authentic (auto)----10$
ricky davis 98 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""-----5$
jamaal magloire ud playmakers player's club warm up (jersey) /350
05-06 ud hardcourt materials --magloire
patrick ewing 93-94 mc do french n°9
julius erving action packed 93 n°71-----1$
C.Butler 03/04 topps Pristine Rookie Challenge Refractor gu #ed /25
SP authentic 98-99 rc /3500
keon clarck-----15$
michael doleac-----5$
spx 97-98
22- shaq o'neal - 5$
46- shareef abdur rahim - 3$
4- antoine walker- 2,50$
40- gary payton - 2$
44- karl malone - 2$
23- zo mourning - 1,50$
21-kobe bryant- 8$-
24- glenn robinson- sky- 2,50$
24-glenn robinson-2$
15- joe smith-1,50$
14- joe dumars - 2$
11- tony battie rc - 2$
27- keith van horn rc- sky- 4$
27- keith van horn rc - 4$
37- tim duncan rc - 15$
30- allen iverson - 5$
45- john stockton -2$
18- hakeem olajuwon-2$
spx 05-06
louis williams spx rc auto jersey /1499--12$
mj- 29
lebron :2, 15, 16, 18, 27, 36, 40, 44
108 Josh Powell RC $5.00
XCR19 Nate Robinson /1999 $5.00
sp authentic 05-06
sp rc /999 anthony roberson---8$
05-06 ud hardcourt rc /1750 antoine wright
05-06 ud hardcourt auto luther hea-----30$
05-06 ud trilogy signs of stardom luther head
winning combos
ryan bowen/swift ---10$
--winning materials--
andrew bogut --12$
spxcitement ; bibby
spx rookies ; dijon thompson
2005-06 Greats of the Game------2 complete base sets
2004-05 Bowman Gold 119 Devin Harris $2.50 $6.00
05-06 spx winning materials tony parker
06-07 spx winning materials tony parker
03-04 fleer showcase sweet sigs auto mickael pietrus /800--12$
03-04 m.pietrus sp auth rc auto /1250 ---15$
03/04 fleer focus future focus decade edition boris diaw--/10
05-06 SPX johan petro 102 RC 0950/1499--6$
05-06 Trilogy Signs of Stardom JP Johan Petro--$12.00
00/01 SP Authentic sign of the times Jerome Moïso
03-04 ud hardcourt clear commemotatives jerome moiso --15$
06-07 exquisite /25 paul pierce
06-07 exquisite /25 jermaine o'neal
06-07 exquisite rc /25 josh boone
06-07 exquisite rc /25 shannon brown
05-06 exquisite patch auto rc /225 johan petro--80$
05-06 exquisite auto rc /225 dijon thompson ---40$
-----Quentin Richardson-------
2000 Press Pass Autographs 25 $6.00
2000 Press Pass SE Autographs 30 $10.00
2000 Press Pass SE Autographs Silver30 $12.00
2000 Press Pass SE Jersey Cards JC10 $40.00
2002 Press Pass Pro Shoes SHQR /40 N/A
2002 Press Pass Pro Autographs 10 $10.00
2002 Press Pass Pro Jerseys PJCQR $8.00
2002 Press Pass Combo Jerseys CJQR $20.00
00-01 Fleer Authority Rookie Reflections RR8 $8.00
00-01 Fleer Authority Rookie Reflections RR19 J.Kidd/Q.Rich $20.00
00-01 Bowman's Best Rookie Locker Room Collection LRCR17 JSY $8.00
00-01 Fleer Legacy 98 JSY RC $15.00
00-01 Fleer Triple Crown Shoot Arounds 14 $8.00
00-01 Fleer Glossy Traditional Threads 29 $10.00
00-01 Topps Gallery Originals GO17 A $8.00
00-01 Topps Heritage Dynamite Duds Game Jerseys DD15 $8.00
00-01 UD Reserve NBA Start-Ups QR $8.00
00-01 Stadium Club Game Jerseys SCLC10 n $8.00
00-01 SP Game Floor Authentic Floor $8.00
01-02 Upper Deck Game Jerseys Combos D.Miles/Q.Rich $20.00
01-02 UD Pros and Prospects Alley-Oop Team-Ups Q.Rich/D.Miles $25.00
01-02 UD Ovation Superstar Warm-Ups Autographs QR-S $25.00
01-02 Topps Xpectations Class Challenge CC-QR $10.00
01-02 Topps All-Star Remnants TA-QR $10.00
01-02 UD Game Jerseys Combos DM-QR D.Miles/Q.Rich $20.00
01-02 UD Inspirations Hardwood Imagery Combo L.Odom/Q.Rich $15.00
01-02 SP Authentic Signatures QR $12.00
01-02 Upper Deck Flight Team Flight Patterns QR $12.00
01-02 Fleer Genuine Final Cut 25 $10.00
01-02 Fleer Force True Colors Jerseys 25 $10.00
02-03 Upper Deck Ovation Signatures $15.00
02-03 Stadium Club Frequent Flyers Relics Q.Rich/350 $20.00
02-03 SPx Winning Combos Q.Rich/L.Odom $20.00
02-03 SP Game Used All-Star Apparel QR-AS $15.00
02-03 UD All-Star Authentics Shorts QRAS $15.00
02-03 UD Ovation Authentics Warm-Ups QRW $12.00
02-03 UD Ovation Authentics Warm-Ups Dual LO/QR L.Odom/Q.Rich $20.00
02-03 Fleer Premium A Cut Above 8 $10.00
02-03 Hoops Hot Prospects Class Of Jerseys 7 H.Turkoglu/Q.Rich $15.00
02-03 Fleer Showcase Basketball's Best Memorabilia BBM21 JSY $10.00
02-03 Ultra One on One Game Used 7 D.Miles/Q.Rich $40.00
02-03 Topps Pristine Performance PPE-QR $12.00
02-03 UD Generations Signature Classics QR-S $12.00
02-03 Topps Xpectations Class Challenge Relics CC-QR C $12.00
02-03 Topps Xpectations Future Features Relics FF-QR B $12.00
02-03 UD Finite Elements Dual Warm-Ups Q.Rich/E.Brand $12.00
02-03 Ultra O! Game Used 4 $15.00
02-03 Ultra Back 2 Back Game Used 14 $15.00
02-03 UD Combo All-Star Authentics EBQR E.Brand/Q.Rich $20.00
02-03 UD Sweet Shot Signature Shots QR $15.00
03-04 Bazooka Blasts QR C $12.00
03-04 Bazooka Boo-Yah QR B $12.00
03-04 Bazooka Boo-Yah Parallel QR N/A
03-04 SPx Winning Materials Combos WC25 Q.Rich/L.Odom $12.00
03-04 Topps Chrome Bonus Coverage Relics QR A N/A
03-04 Upper Deck Rookie Exclusives Superstar Exclusives EX76 $6.00
03-04 SP Game Used Authentic Fabrics QRJ $10.00
03-04 SP Game Used Authentic Fabrics Dual AMQRJ A.Miller/Q-Rich $15.00
03-04 UD Triple Dimensions 3-D Warmups W46 $8.00
04-05 UD R-Class R-Tifacts QR $8.00
04-05 UD R-Class R-Tifacts Dual MR S.Marion/Q.Rich $10.00
04-05 UD R-Class R-Tifacts Dual RM Q.Rich/D.Miles $10.00
04-05 UD Majestic Materials QR $15.00
04-05 SP Game Used Authentic Fabrics QR $8.00
04-05 Topps Drive N Thrive Relics QR $8.00
04-05 UD East Coast West Coast MR K.Martin/Q.Rich $12.00
04-05 UD Sweet Shot Swatches QR $8.00
05-06 Bowman Skills Nation Relics QR $8.00
05-06 Reflections Signatures Blue QR $12.00
05-06 Reflections Signatures Red QR n $12.00
05-06 SP Game Used SIGnificance QR $12.00
05-06 SP Game Used Authentic Fabrics QR $8.00
05-06 SPx Winning Materials QR $8.00
05-06 Topps Luxury Box Divisions 6 Relics 6 NBA Guards $20.00
05-06 UD Portraits Scrapbook Swatches QR $8.00
05-06 UD Portraits Material Moments QR $8.00
05-06 UD Sweet Shot Jerseys QR /125 $10.00
05-06 UD Sweet Shot Sweet Swatches QR $8.00
05-06 UD All-Star Weekend Authentics QR $10.00
05-06 UD Game Jerseys QR $8.00
05-06 UD Rookie Debut Threads QR N/A
05-06 UD Hardcourt Materials QR n $8.00
05-06 UD Hardcourt Materials/Wood QR $15.00
06-07 UD Reserve Game Jerseys $8.00
06-07 UD Ovation Spotlight Signature $10.00
06-07 SP Authentic Chirography $10.00
06-07 E-X Clearly Authentics Autographs $8.00
05-06 SP Signature Edition Scripts for Success $12.00
06-07 SPx Winning Combos S.Marbury/Q.Rich $10.00
06-07 UD Hardcourt Materials $6.00
05-06 Hoops Genuine Coverage N/A
06-07 Upper Deck UD Game Jersey $6.00
06-07 E-X ConnEXions Q.Rich/N.Robinson$8.00
05-06 ud hardcourt signatures sp --25$
05-06 ud sp signature edition auth signatures gold /25---30$
05-06 ud sp auto rc /1299---15$
05-06 topps big game draft day moments auto gu (hat) --30$
05-06 ud reflections rc /1499
05-06 topps first row css33 /149
05-06 topps first row css33 /99
05-06 ud spx spxcitement /1999
05-06 UD Hardcourt Rookie Jerseys/Wood /50 --$20.00
05-06 Hardcourt rookies jersey /250--12$
05-06 Hardcourt rookies /1750--8$
05-06 Topps Chrome Black Refractor /399 --40$
06-07 SP Authentic chirography AU----10$
06-07 UD Reserve Signatures DG $12.00
05-06 Topps Bazooka all access relics 15$
05-06 Finest Refractors Green/79ex AU $30.00
05-06 danny granger ud portrait gu auto /40 --50$
05-06 ud rookie debut debut draft duos granger/gomes /75--60$
05-06 sp game used rc /999--15$
05-06 ud trilogy signs of stardom --15$
05-06 topps rc black /500ex --6$
scans == Pictures by musique27 - Photobucket
-larry johnson
-andrew bynum
-05-06 greats of the game /99
in a second time..
-rodney stuckey
-daequan cook
-joakim noah high end
-exquisite 07-08
-low number less than /15
- jersey number
here is my NEW trade..
big L----LARRY JOHNSON -------
95-96 topps finest bordered "test" refractor---150$
james posey
99-00 ex rc /3499
99-00 fleer focus rc /3999 ----4$ + portaits
99-00 flair next 0,75$
99-00 skybox apex rc n°163 1,50$
99-00 skybox premium rc 1,50$
99-00 stadium club chrome rc n°144 4$
99-00 topps chrome rc n°112 6$
99-00 topps gold label new standard 2,50$
99-00 ultra rc 5$
99-00 ud ovation n°73 5$
tim duncan
97-98 flair rc row3 6$
97-98 z force rc n°111 2$
97-98 spx rc 37 15$
97-98 metal rc n°66 3$
97-98 metal universe rc n°72 3$
97-98 topps rc n° 115 2$
97-98 ud rc n°114 6$
97-98 collector's choice rc n°323 1,50$
94-95 sp rc n°13---3$, + die cut--5$
94-95 skybox draft pick dp 13----8$
94-95 fleer 1rst year phenom-----2,50$
94-95 ud se n°112---2,50$
94-95 ultra all rookies series 13 of15----3$
95-96 spx gold n°14
95-96 ultra gold medaillon n°47----6$
95-96 fleer metal gold n°27
95-96 fleer rookie sensation 12 of 15
99-00 ultra gold n°57
95-96 assets hot print (parallel)
94 gold standard promo p2 1of 10 000
94 pacific prism n°52-------5$
95 score board phone card 2$
94 gold standard signature n°gs 20
99-00 spx n°32 radiance 089/100ex-----25$
99-00 sp sign of the times----20$
99-00 ud mvp prosign jalen rose---20$
95-96 finest refractor n°85---25$
95 ud n°163 electic court gold----15$
94-95 sp die cut holoview----12$ + holoview---5$
94-95 topps rc spectralight 8$
95 classic image flashbacks /4495ex
94 classic autograph nno ( extremment dur a trouver)-----25$
RICHARD HAMILTON (99-00 rc year)
skybox rc n°107---1,50$ + sp 6$
topps tipoff rc n°114----2,50$
holographics rc n°72----3$
ud mvp rc n°213 gold script /100--30$ -
ud rc n°162 bronze /100---30$
al harrington ( year 98-99 rc )
flair n°53 row 3---2$ et row 2----3$
stadium club rc n°216----1$
stadium club chrome refractors scc 40--5$
ex rc n°79---4$
skybox molten metal rc n°54---3$
fleer brillants rc n°122---2$
skybox fresh faces 3 of 10----3$
sp (gold) vital signs----10$
press pass 98 autograph---10$
topps chrome rc n°133----5$
mike bibby ( rc year 98-99)
ex rc n°86---8$
ud encore rc n °115---8$
finest rc n°227---8$
skybox rc n°262---6$
fleer brillants rc n°102-4$
skybox b.p.o 6 of 15---2$
skybox fresh faces 1 of 10----5$
topps chrome rc n°196----12$
04-05 E-XL Court Authentic gu 243/500 CA-MB Kings
03/04 UD GLASS GAME GEAR ---12$
KENNY THOMAS houston rockets ( rc year 99-00)
skybox rc sp n°122----2,50$
ud black diamond rc n°111----1$
ud black diamond final cut /50-----20$
sp authentic rc n°109 /1500-----15$
spx rc n°115 /3500-----5$
fleer mystique rc n°114 /2999ex
finest rc refractors----6$
finest rc gold refractors----20$
stadium club rc n°197 one of a kind /150---8$
ultra gold madaillon rc n°147-----3$
flair freshink (auto)---8$
flair ball of fame---4$
fleer autographics-----8$
fleer force rc n°210 /1600---6$
press pass 99 auto /100---8$
sage 99 auto /650,---6$ /400---8$
press pass auto
00-01 Ultimate Victory Ultimate Fabrics UFC2 K.Martin/D.Miles----$20.00
04-05 gerald wallace ud hardcourt materials hm gw---10$
03-04 topps rc lebron james--20$
04-05 ud all star prominent futures threads josh howard/j.hayes---10$
05-06 ud hardcourt jersey chris bosh
04-05 bowman rookie registration jersey kevin martin--12$
06-07 ricky davis topps trademark moves /35
06-07 Topps Full Court "Press" /1499 D. Wade $4.00
05-06 topps bazooka blue rc /5 charlie villanueva --vvvhtg--
05-06 trilogy rc /999 gerald green, monta ellis, daniel ewing
03-04 Yao Ming UD Glass Superlative Swatches $8.00 $20.00
06-07 exquisite patch autograph garbajosa /100--100$
06/07 UD Reserve Materials JSY Chris BOSH /100
06-07 bowman chrome rc auto daniel gibson --40$
05-06 trilogy signs of stardom linas kleiza---12$
06-07 finest xrc refractor KEVIN DURANT /399--100$
07-08 chronology exch letterman spencer hawes "h" /250--25$
06-07 ultimate rc auto shawne williams /350
06-07 ultimate rc auto randy foye /350--40$
06-07 triple threads gay-morrison-carney /27--25$
04-05 ultimate ultimate auto achievements /50 clyde drexler--80$
02/03 Fleer Tradition School ties Authentic game worn pant Webber/Rose/J. Howard
99/00 finest Next Generation Refr S Marion $15
06-07 UD Black Dual Materials Gold RC Tyrus Thomas /25
07-08 spx super scripts auto daniel gibson--20$
06-07 trilogy futures signatures renaldo balkman--12$
06-07 ultimate rc auto /350 randy foye--40$
06-07 ultimate rc auto /350 shawne williams--20$
03-04 sp game used authentics fabrics auto /100 steve francis--40$
99-00 ud mvp prosign jalen rose---20$
96-97 skybox auto ed o'bannon---12$
06-07 luxury box rc /499 kyle lowry
06-07 luxury box rc /499 a.johnson
06-07 trilogy team trios boston /33 al jefferson, d.west, s telfair
06-07 trilogy rc /299 tyrus thomas---12$
06-07 trilogy rc /499 maurice ager--5$
06-07 trilogy rc /499 will blalock--5$
06-07 ultimate /499 m.okur--2,50$
06-07 ultimate /499 t.prince-4$
06-07 sp signature rc /299 m.ager
01-02 ultra one the road mike miller--10$
05-06 rookie authentics fabrics matt freije
06-07 ud reserve materials /100 m.redd
05-06 topps 52 style hardwood classics ben wallace---8$
06-07 luxury box /349 l.hughes
07-08 sp game used cut from the cloth m.redd
06-07 trilogy generations ak47
97-98 flair row 1 michael jordan---30$
fleer 93-94 superstars 7 of 20
flair 97-98 n°1----10$
98-99 ud choice n°23
ud 96-97 n°16--5$
metal (not universe) 97-98 n°23--5$
skybox 97-98 n°29
black diamond 98-99 n°5
ud 92-93 n°23
fleer 92-93 n°32
cc 94-95 n°204
ud atlete of the century 99 n°4,79
metal 96-97 n°11
87-88 fleer n°56
88-99 fleer stickers n°5
90-91 fleer n°93
flair 95-96 rc n°206---6$
sp rc n°159--12$
hoops rc n°272
06-07 luxury box /499 kevin garnett---4$
93-94 topps finest 189 rc !
ud 92-93 rc trade card n°1b-----20$
topps 92-93 rc n°362----10$
spx finite 98-99 n°143 spectrum /250----80$
05-06 spx winning combos marion/stoudemire
mc grady 97-98 rc----metal universe n°36--4$--topps n°125--3$--skybox n°79--5$--metal n°42--fleer n°226--2,50$-- flair n°21 row2--12$-, row3-8$--zforce n°172--2,50$--stadium club n°217--4$
07-08 topps echelon auto /99 deron williams
04-05 redeemed finest red refractor rc deron williams /159--- 40$
05/06 TOPPS Big Game Draft Day Picture Perfect Relics Shorts /129
01-02 UD Flight Team Flight Patterns Gold BD /125
01-02 ud superstars warm up gu --12$
stadium club 96-97 rookie showcase---10$
finest 96-97 rc n°31---8$
ud 96-97 rookie exclusives----6$
05-06 spx winning materials --10$
jerry stackouse finest 95-96 rc n°113
cc 94-95 crash the game gold--0,75$
94-95 ultra all rookies----2,50$
ultra 95-96 gold medaillon n°104---5$
94 classic preview bp 4---4$
flair 98-99 row 2 n°35---1$
03/04 fleer Patchworks “Patch†3 colors Dual /100--25$
moses malone ud 92-93 15 000 point club pc 10
tony battie
97-98 ex stardate 2001
ud 97-98 rookie discovery 2 (rare) + rd1
flair 97-98 row 1 n°40
97-98 ultra rim rockers + ultra gold rc
press pass 97 showdown 3 of 8 /joe smith
skybox 98-99 b.p.o
97-98 cc starquest
96-97 ud rookie exclusives r15
97-98 stadium club never compromise nc 16
fleer focus 99-00 soar subjects--1,50$
finest 98-99 n° 180
flair 97-98 row 3 n°15
06-07 SPx Winning Combos S.Marbury/Q.Richardson $10.00 --3eur
Steve nash
96-97 SP RC 142
gary payton flair 97-98 row 3 n°26
ray allen
flair 99-00 n°38
96-97 ex2000 rc n°45--2,50$
finest silver n°267-----1,25$
sp 96-97 premium collection pc24----5$
flair 96-97 class of ninety six--3$
ud 96-97 rookie exclusives r3---2$
topps chrome rc n°198--5$
deshawn stevenson press pass se 2000 autographs /500
deshawn stevenson press pass 2000 autographs
topps 97-98 o pee chee n°94--5$
finest 97-98 n°43 refractor-15$
z force 96-97 zensations----5$
z force 96-97 rc z cling r3---6$
topps 96-97 rc nba 50 n°128----8$
cc 96-97 crash the game c28 feb-24-mar2----3$
fleer 97-98 rookie rewind 1 of 10------4$
tsc rc r 3--2$
ex 99-00 n°24----1$
flair 98-99 n°9 row 3---0,75$
03/04 Flair Showcase Sweet sigs Shareef Abdur-Rahim 227/760
metal 99-00 heavy metal 3 of 10
05/06 Ud Rookie debut threads 8$
96-97 ud n°118
96-97 finest gold !
rasheed wallace 95-96 finest rack pack---15$
larry hugues
stadium club chrome 99-00 refractors n°35
skybox 98-99 rc n°239
rashard lewis
fleer brillants 98-99 rc n°120
ultra 99-00 gold n°62
spx finite 98-99 rc rashard lewis /2500---30$
skybox 98-99 majestic 10 of 15
97-98 rc skybox n°117
topps chrome rc 97-98 n°118
flair 94-95 rc n°213
99-00 ud now showing ns26---4$
99-00 ex n°16---2,50$
06/07 SP Authentic Authentic Fabrics Dual Carter / Kidd /100 $25
lorenzen wright
96-97 ex 2000 rc n°29----2$
sp 96-97 premium collection pc17
ud rookie exclusives r14
flair 96-97 class of ninety six
elton brand
ex 99-00 generation ex 10 of 15
tim james fleer focus 99-00 ray of light
tim james spx rc auto /2500 n°111
tim thomas collector's edge 97 edge energy
black diamond 98-99 n°68
finest 97-98 n°95
94-95 finest rc jason kidd---25$
steve francis
metal 99-00 platinum portraits----1,50$
99-00 holographics rc n°81-----5$
ud retro rc n°109---2,50$
fleer 99-00 rc n°211----2$, ud mvp rc-----2$
03-04 sp game used authentics fabrics auto /100 steve francis--40$
latrell sprewell skybox 92-93 rc n°342----4$, ultra rc n°266----2,50$, hoops rc n°389----3$, topps rc n°392---1,25$
samaki walker 96-97 metal n°164 precious metal----4$
samaki walker 96-97 finest rc n°42---1,25$
danny fortson rc (97-98-- ex 2001 N76---sp n°39--topps chrome n°210--ultra n°132
bowman's best atomic refractor 97-98
flair 97-98 legacy row3 /100ex
ud3 97-98 rookie portfolio r10---15$ ---5eur
98-99 finest refractor n°182
ultra 98-99 platinum /99 ex
michael doleac ultra 98-99 gold rc n°113
michael doleac spx finite radiance rc N 222
95-96 skybox draft pick
95-96 flair class of '95-----3$
finest 95-96 mystery borderless silver ---10$
95-96 flair wave of the future----3$
spx 96 N°46------3$ + gold ....6$
finest 98-99 n°195
flair 97-98 row 3 n°10----1$
isaiah rider stadium club first day issue rc n°234--12$--4eur
d.mutombo 97-98 flair row 1 n°42
eddie jones sp 94-95 rc n°10
bonzi wells fleer brillants 98-99 rc n°111
bonzi wells 98 collectors edge pro signatures authentic (auto)----10$
ricky davis 98 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""-----5$
jamaal magloire ud playmakers player's club warm up (jersey) /350
05-06 ud hardcourt materials --magloire
patrick ewing 93-94 mc do french n°9
julius erving action packed 93 n°71-----1$
C.Butler 03/04 topps Pristine Rookie Challenge Refractor gu #ed /25
SP authentic 98-99 rc /3500
keon clarck-----15$
michael doleac-----5$
spx 97-98
22- shaq o'neal - 5$
46- shareef abdur rahim - 3$
4- antoine walker- 2,50$
40- gary payton - 2$
44- karl malone - 2$
23- zo mourning - 1,50$
21-kobe bryant- 8$-
24- glenn robinson- sky- 2,50$
24-glenn robinson-2$
15- joe smith-1,50$
14- joe dumars - 2$
11- tony battie rc - 2$
27- keith van horn rc- sky- 4$
27- keith van horn rc - 4$
37- tim duncan rc - 15$
30- allen iverson - 5$
45- john stockton -2$
18- hakeem olajuwon-2$
spx 05-06
louis williams spx rc auto jersey /1499--12$
mj- 29
lebron :2, 15, 16, 18, 27, 36, 40, 44
108 Josh Powell RC $5.00
XCR19 Nate Robinson /1999 $5.00
sp authentic 05-06
sp rc /999 anthony roberson---8$
05-06 ud hardcourt rc /1750 antoine wright
05-06 ud hardcourt auto luther hea-----30$
05-06 ud trilogy signs of stardom luther head
winning combos
ryan bowen/swift ---10$
--winning materials--
andrew bogut --12$
spxcitement ; bibby
spx rookies ; dijon thompson
2005-06 Greats of the Game------2 complete base sets
2004-05 Bowman Gold 119 Devin Harris $2.50 $6.00
05-06 spx winning materials tony parker
06-07 spx winning materials tony parker
03-04 fleer showcase sweet sigs auto mickael pietrus /800--12$
03-04 m.pietrus sp auth rc auto /1250 ---15$
03/04 fleer focus future focus decade edition boris diaw--/10
05-06 SPX johan petro 102 RC 0950/1499--6$
05-06 Trilogy Signs of Stardom JP Johan Petro--$12.00
00/01 SP Authentic sign of the times Jerome Moïso
03-04 ud hardcourt clear commemotatives jerome moiso --15$
06-07 exquisite /25 paul pierce
06-07 exquisite /25 jermaine o'neal
06-07 exquisite rc /25 josh boone
06-07 exquisite rc /25 shannon brown
05-06 exquisite patch auto rc /225 johan petro--80$
05-06 exquisite auto rc /225 dijon thompson ---40$
-----Quentin Richardson-------
2000 Press Pass Autographs 25 $6.00
2000 Press Pass SE Autographs 30 $10.00
2000 Press Pass SE Autographs Silver30 $12.00
2000 Press Pass SE Jersey Cards JC10 $40.00
2002 Press Pass Pro Shoes SHQR /40 N/A
2002 Press Pass Pro Autographs 10 $10.00
2002 Press Pass Pro Jerseys PJCQR $8.00
2002 Press Pass Combo Jerseys CJQR $20.00
00-01 Fleer Authority Rookie Reflections RR8 $8.00
00-01 Fleer Authority Rookie Reflections RR19 J.Kidd/Q.Rich $20.00
00-01 Bowman's Best Rookie Locker Room Collection LRCR17 JSY $8.00
00-01 Fleer Legacy 98 JSY RC $15.00
00-01 Fleer Triple Crown Shoot Arounds 14 $8.00
00-01 Fleer Glossy Traditional Threads 29 $10.00
00-01 Topps Gallery Originals GO17 A $8.00
00-01 Topps Heritage Dynamite Duds Game Jerseys DD15 $8.00
00-01 UD Reserve NBA Start-Ups QR $8.00
00-01 Stadium Club Game Jerseys SCLC10 n $8.00
00-01 SP Game Floor Authentic Floor $8.00
01-02 Upper Deck Game Jerseys Combos D.Miles/Q.Rich $20.00
01-02 UD Pros and Prospects Alley-Oop Team-Ups Q.Rich/D.Miles $25.00
01-02 UD Ovation Superstar Warm-Ups Autographs QR-S $25.00
01-02 Topps Xpectations Class Challenge CC-QR $10.00
01-02 Topps All-Star Remnants TA-QR $10.00
01-02 UD Game Jerseys Combos DM-QR D.Miles/Q.Rich $20.00
01-02 UD Inspirations Hardwood Imagery Combo L.Odom/Q.Rich $15.00
01-02 SP Authentic Signatures QR $12.00
01-02 Upper Deck Flight Team Flight Patterns QR $12.00
01-02 Fleer Genuine Final Cut 25 $10.00
01-02 Fleer Force True Colors Jerseys 25 $10.00
02-03 Upper Deck Ovation Signatures $15.00
02-03 Stadium Club Frequent Flyers Relics Q.Rich/350 $20.00
02-03 SPx Winning Combos Q.Rich/L.Odom $20.00
02-03 SP Game Used All-Star Apparel QR-AS $15.00
02-03 UD All-Star Authentics Shorts QRAS $15.00
02-03 UD Ovation Authentics Warm-Ups QRW $12.00
02-03 UD Ovation Authentics Warm-Ups Dual LO/QR L.Odom/Q.Rich $20.00
02-03 Fleer Premium A Cut Above 8 $10.00
02-03 Hoops Hot Prospects Class Of Jerseys 7 H.Turkoglu/Q.Rich $15.00
02-03 Fleer Showcase Basketball's Best Memorabilia BBM21 JSY $10.00
02-03 Ultra One on One Game Used 7 D.Miles/Q.Rich $40.00
02-03 Topps Pristine Performance PPE-QR $12.00
02-03 UD Generations Signature Classics QR-S $12.00
02-03 Topps Xpectations Class Challenge Relics CC-QR C $12.00
02-03 Topps Xpectations Future Features Relics FF-QR B $12.00
02-03 UD Finite Elements Dual Warm-Ups Q.Rich/E.Brand $12.00
02-03 Ultra O! Game Used 4 $15.00
02-03 Ultra Back 2 Back Game Used 14 $15.00
02-03 UD Combo All-Star Authentics EBQR E.Brand/Q.Rich $20.00
02-03 UD Sweet Shot Signature Shots QR $15.00
03-04 Bazooka Blasts QR C $12.00
03-04 Bazooka Boo-Yah QR B $12.00
03-04 Bazooka Boo-Yah Parallel QR N/A
03-04 SPx Winning Materials Combos WC25 Q.Rich/L.Odom $12.00
03-04 Topps Chrome Bonus Coverage Relics QR A N/A
03-04 Upper Deck Rookie Exclusives Superstar Exclusives EX76 $6.00
03-04 SP Game Used Authentic Fabrics QRJ $10.00
03-04 SP Game Used Authentic Fabrics Dual AMQRJ A.Miller/Q-Rich $15.00
03-04 UD Triple Dimensions 3-D Warmups W46 $8.00
04-05 UD R-Class R-Tifacts QR $8.00
04-05 UD R-Class R-Tifacts Dual MR S.Marion/Q.Rich $10.00
04-05 UD R-Class R-Tifacts Dual RM Q.Rich/D.Miles $10.00
04-05 UD Majestic Materials QR $15.00
04-05 SP Game Used Authentic Fabrics QR $8.00
04-05 Topps Drive N Thrive Relics QR $8.00
04-05 UD East Coast West Coast MR K.Martin/Q.Rich $12.00
04-05 UD Sweet Shot Swatches QR $8.00
05-06 Bowman Skills Nation Relics QR $8.00
05-06 Reflections Signatures Blue QR $12.00
05-06 Reflections Signatures Red QR n $12.00
05-06 SP Game Used SIGnificance QR $12.00
05-06 SP Game Used Authentic Fabrics QR $8.00
05-06 SPx Winning Materials QR $8.00
05-06 Topps Luxury Box Divisions 6 Relics 6 NBA Guards $20.00
05-06 UD Portraits Scrapbook Swatches QR $8.00
05-06 UD Portraits Material Moments QR $8.00
05-06 UD Sweet Shot Jerseys QR /125 $10.00
05-06 UD Sweet Shot Sweet Swatches QR $8.00
05-06 UD All-Star Weekend Authentics QR $10.00
05-06 UD Game Jerseys QR $8.00
05-06 UD Rookie Debut Threads QR N/A
05-06 UD Hardcourt Materials QR n $8.00
05-06 UD Hardcourt Materials/Wood QR $15.00
06-07 UD Reserve Game Jerseys $8.00
06-07 UD Ovation Spotlight Signature $10.00
06-07 SP Authentic Chirography $10.00
06-07 E-X Clearly Authentics Autographs $8.00
05-06 SP Signature Edition Scripts for Success $12.00
06-07 SPx Winning Combos S.Marbury/Q.Rich $10.00
06-07 UD Hardcourt Materials $6.00
05-06 Hoops Genuine Coverage N/A
06-07 Upper Deck UD Game Jersey $6.00
06-07 E-X ConnEXions Q.Rich/N.Robinson$8.00
05-06 ud hardcourt signatures sp --25$
05-06 ud sp signature edition auth signatures gold /25---30$
05-06 ud sp auto rc /1299---15$
05-06 topps big game draft day moments auto gu (hat) --30$
05-06 ud reflections rc /1499
05-06 topps first row css33 /149
05-06 topps first row css33 /99
05-06 ud spx spxcitement /1999
05-06 UD Hardcourt Rookie Jerseys/Wood /50 --$20.00
05-06 Hardcourt rookies jersey /250--12$
05-06 Hardcourt rookies /1750--8$
05-06 Topps Chrome Black Refractor /399 --40$
06-07 SP Authentic chirography AU----10$
06-07 UD Reserve Signatures DG $12.00
05-06 Topps Bazooka all access relics 15$
05-06 Finest Refractors Green/79ex AU $30.00
05-06 danny granger ud portrait gu auto /40 --50$
05-06 ud rookie debut debut draft duos granger/gomes /75--60$
05-06 sp game used rc /999--15$
05-06 ud trilogy signs of stardom --15$
05-06 topps rc black /500ex --6$
scans == Pictures by musique27 - Photobucket