Mr. Z-Force Super Rave !! Finally, an Iverson mailday ..


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Hey guys,

Finally, something arrived today .. I haven't bought many cards as of late because there is really nothing much that I can see that interests me. So one day, this RARE old skool card popped up on eBay and I knew I had to get it. ;)

I want to thank the seller, Ideal Collectibles from Hawaii for his super patience on his handling of this transaction. A highly recommended seller !!:thumbsup:

Please enjoy ..

97-98 SkyBox Z-Force - Super Rave Parallel #45/50 - BV$300.00 - The name Iverson and the logo Z-Force consists of a reflecting type of effect, like a hologram. The card definitely looks better in-hand. ;) The condition for such an old card is awesome. Probably will grade pretty high if I do choose to submit. BTW, apologies for the slightly old one-touch w/ many scratch marks!


And the back - I'm using the seller's picture .. Props to Ideal for a crystal clear picture .. BTW, Matt aka Mr.Nash, did you used to get your older user name from this card?! :lol: (twentysomething) jokes dude ..



man they r rare as hens teeth, i've never seen 1, plenty of the normal rave's and really good condition 2
Thats beautiful Hendra.....Great pick up!


P.S hope you can work out the other issue with a certain seller! Good luck mate!
I haven't seen the Super Rave before either. Cool! I miss the Iverson mail days Hendra :D

Ideal Collectables is a good seller, I've bought a couple of times from them.
Well done! I only picked up the Walker about 6 months ago and it was the first one I'd seen on eBay in about 5 years!
No doubt those puppies are rare! - Nice coke coloured razzle dazzle!!
I think the other set of z force they were #/25!! Very hard to find so well done mate!!
No doubt those puppies are rare! - Nice coke coloured razzle dazzle!!
I think the other set of z force they were #/25!! Very hard to find so well done mate!!

The other set is 98/99 Skybox Thunder Super Rave /25. I have NEVER seen any player and I think you'll find nearly every player collector has it on their wantlist, including ljbiggestfan02 so thats saying something! I and alot of others are starting to wonder if they were even inserted....
The other set is 98/99 Skybox Thunder Super Rave /25. I have NEVER seen any player and I think you'll find nearly every player collector has it on their wantlist, including ljbiggestfan02 so thats saying something! I and alot of others are starting to wonder if they were even inserted....

That's the one!!
Knew it was something like that.
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