MR Kevin Garnett/Ray Allen 40

Mr Kevin Garnett

Garnett's #1 Fan!
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39   0   0
BIG trade!!

Okay here's the deal:

Rayallen40 gets: A Crap lot of cards :lol:

Autofocus cards: Darko,Peja,Gordon Giriek
Tony Parker Auto
Gasol Auto
Marbury Auto
Rahim Auto
AK47 Auto (Creased)
Pippen Insert
Vincent Y Auto/Jersey
Stackhouse Auto
Jefferson Auto

I get:

KMartin Patch 1/1!!
And $$$$$
That is a BLOCKBUSTER Trade!
You must want that K-Mart Mr KG!!

Not as much as I want to get rid of those autos. Been trying to pawn them off for awhile now. Plus the Money will be handy esp after my MAJOR eBay spending spree!
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