More Finest redemptions arrive!


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They are starting to arrive now- still in their own package's. Feel sorry for the mailman of people who sent in heaps!

Yeah most of mine are in now too..... Love em... Green's are so nice... My Rudy is the best Ive got so far and Sheldens Red X
very nice mailday.this is of topic a bit but can anybody give me a list of what players are getting redeemed and what number draft they are.
thanks tony :D
its last years draft order Tony with the exception of #18 Oleksiy Pecherov and #30 Joel Freeland are replaced with Craig Smith and Paul Millsap, they are the only 2 i know that have been replaced...
Tops work Dave! They look great.
It's funny how they all come back individually, every day for a week and a half I was receiving mine.
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