Today was a pretty big mailday for me, lots of tradebait and a couple of PC cards.
A few from trades on HK;
This next one i had picked up from Ben (infestacide) a while ago, traded it after only a day of holding it, and decided i would buy it back. It is such a nice patch. Couldn't pass it up, got it pretty cheap too
These next one's are also from infestacide in a trade here on OzCards. Cheers for the freebies mate
A couple of nice PC additions
Bought the J.R. Smith, and the guy threw in this one for an extra $5. Couldn't say no, 4 colours, 6 breaks. Pity about the player, but a Fiver for an Exquisite Auto Patch, Still Ok IMHO
Fantastic pickups there bud.
That Lowry Patch is just nasty , I can see why you had to get it back and the JR Exq is sweet too. Great mailday, thanks for sharing.