Missed "24" tonight!

Mr Kevin Garnett

Garnett's #1 Fan!
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Did anyone happen to record the 2 hour episode of "24" tonight?

I'll pay for the copy/postage and a little extra if someone can get it on a dvd for me.

Thanks :)
i didnt tape it but i watched both last night and wed night and it was the first time i watched the show and i really digged it. Last night was so cool, it was a mimic of die hard and air force one together. Terrorists seased an airport and they set up a video feed inside that they broadcasted live and they executed like 4 people. Wont tell you what else happens but it was preety sick.
Jack Brauer is one cool dude :cool:
God we must be sooooo far behind the states it's not funny. Thats right at the start of season 5, which finished a month ago over there.
i'll try for ya mate, cant promise anything though, I'll be away today, but hopefully able to download tomorrow
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