Just a couple that came in mail last week....slow week, bunch more incoming
The alternative version
Nice simple design
Gotta get my hands on the 2 patch auto variations for the Jumbo Jersey & Jumbo Jersey # now
Big thanks to Rhys for the next card
i did have this version but its Booze so its found a good home
And Super shoutout to the Stashman for this awesome card
Thats going straight to the pool room and i wont get confused this time
Thanks Fest & Stash for dropping them over on Friday night, nice to have a few drinks and a chinwag.....ashamed i was up till all hours on saturday night and didnt crawl out of bed on Sunday till after 2 in the arvo so i missed out on a few more brews during the All star funday next time a session is called for with lotsa boxes, im getting box busting blue balls
man those are real nice boozer's. If im not mistaken boozer doesn't signed cards often? I've only seen few floating here locally. and u got a wonderful PC collection, congrats on attaining some key cards for your PC. awesome bro! awesome.
man those are real nice boozer's. If im not mistaken boozer doesn't signed cards often? I've only seen few floating here locally. and u got a wonderful PC collection, congrats on attaining some key cards for your PC. awesome bro! awesome.