i have decided to also try and put together the full set of the 2007 Upperdeck Masterpieces canvas jordan cards. and at the moment i already have 3, they are below, and also is a list of the rest that remain. they are all basically the same card print, but just will have different coloured borders and also different serial numbering. here they are:
This here is what the full variation/parallel set consists of, & ALL THE CARDS ARE CARD NUMBER #46:
UD Masterpieces #46 I HAVE THIS ONE
UD Masterpieces Artists Proof
UD Masterpieces Black Linen #ed/99 I HAVE THIS ONE
UD Masterpieces Blue Steel #ed/50 I HAVE THIS ONE
UD Masterpieces Bronze Ore #ed/1
UD Masterpieces Celestial Blue #ed/1
UD Masterpieces Deep Blue Linen #ed/75
UD Masterpieces Green LinenI HAVE THIS ONE
UD Masterpieces Hades #ed/50
UD Masterpieces Ionised #ed/50
UD Masterpieces Original Paintings EXCH
UD Masterpieces Persian Blue Linen #ed/1
UD Masterpieces Pinot Red #ed/75 I HAVE THIS ONE
UD Masterpieces Printing Plates Black #ed/1
UD Masterpieces Printing Plates Cyan #ed/1
UD Masterpieces Printing Plates Magenta #ed/1
UD Masterpieces Printing Plates Yellow #ed/1
UD Masterpieces Red Linen #ed/1
UD Masterpieces Rusted #ed/50
UD Masterpieces Serious Black #ed/99 I HAVE THIS ONE
UD Masterpieces Urban Gray #ed/1
UD Masterpieces Windsor GreenI HAVE THIS ONE
there they are fellas, looking forward to any asistance i can get. plus i can either buy or trade for what you have. thanks in advance, STEVE
ps. here is a photo attatched below of the basic regular card in this set which im after too, its the first card from my list above (UD Masterpieces #46):
just received the windsor green, any other help really apprecaited. PM also comin your way Klattsy for helpin me get the windsor green parallel, thnx so much.