Members not posting about cards arrriving.


On the way back!
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It was either an Admin announcement or this. Seeing its more a personal issue I'll air it here.

I don't trade much on here as only a few collect what I collect but when I do I find few post in trade threads when cards arrive and others don't even bother to post at all or PM that the cards have arrived safe and sound.

Its only the polite thing to do guys especially when the cards sent aren't cheap commons and hard to replace. And me the seller/trader is fretting that they have arrived or been lost in the mail. I assume that these cards got to their destination as I'm sure members would be jumping up and down if they didn't by now :roll:

Maybe this is just my experience but its still rude and annoying. If the shoe was on the other foot I'm sure you would feel the same.
Thanks alot for the thread Chad.. i feel the same way too, i was hoping our mods will talk about this matter.. so far, i don't have much problems with that.. but thanks alot for reminding the matter..

I can honestly say, here, moderators are doing a great great job and i really appreciate it...
LOTS of uncompleted trade threads here. We need to organise a tidy up week me thinks to get alot of them finished. Who's with me???
True Truth! - am waiting for the same thing from a US member - sent a card nearly 3 weeks ago and not heard anything....usually means the card's arrived but the feedback hasn't
It was either an Admin announcement or this. Seeing its more a personal issue I'll air it here.

I don't trade much on here as only a few collect what I collect but when I do I find few post in trade threads when cards arrive and others don't even bother to post at all or PM that the cards have arrived safe and sound.

Its only the polite thing to do guys especially when the cards sent aren't cheap commons and hard to replace. And me the seller/trader is fretting that they have arrived or been lost in the mail. I assume that these cards got to their destination as I'm sure members would be jumping up and down if they didn't by now :roll:

Maybe this is just my experience but its still rude and annoying. If the shoe was on the other foot I'm sure you would feel the same.

Couldn't agree more is one of my pet hates with selling or trading !
I really ahte when people don't do that. Cos it spart of the process here. when you receive your end, you post that part as complete and you should LEAVE FEEDBACK THEN......

leading me to my BIG PET PEEVE

Is people on here and other forums who wait until you leave feedback before they do.

To me, this is frustrating. I leave feedback as soon as I receive my part of the deal. Frankly, and this is not meant to offend... but for me people who WAIT to leave feedback last, stink of people that are waiting to leave retaliation feedback should they not get the feedback they are hoping for - which I think shouldn't happen here cos everyone I have dealt with has been great... SO WHY SOW SEEDS OF CONCERN BY WAITING ON FEEDBACK????

Please give feedback as soon as you have received your end ESPECIALLY if it is cash.

Just my two cents.
i always leave feedback as soon as i receive my end of a deal... even on ebay i do, this is gunna burn me one day, but its the way it should be done
Al man.... I brought it up cos its happene d abit to me recently, and while I respect people have their way of doing thigns... it irks me... a lot.

I am not so unreasonable as to neg someone straight away without first discussing any issues I have... in fact recently I received a GU of a player.... it was not the GU I specified.... but i needed it so I let it go, saw no point in making an issue.... so I guess... it irks me that people wait on giving me feedback when I am more than happy to dicuss issues and not neg straight away. I deserve the respect of being trusted and given my feedback as soon as MY end goes through.

I dunno, maybe I am just being too picky, but I think it is only fair. Cos if I don't give them feedback, will they ever give me mine?
No need to hold feeback till later here if you want as Amin has said over and over again that retalitory negs aren't allowed and will be changed. The feedback system isn't here to be abused.

And thanks to all that have cleaned up old trades :-D
I've been guilty of not leaving feedback straight up, but I do need reminding some times :lol: Hopefully I don't do it too often. It really isn't on purpose.

I always wait when dealing with ebay now as I've been burned before when selling items with lazy people not wanting to discuss an issue. I'm always happy to leave feedback first after I receive something for eBay too because that's how I do things on there.
I've been quilty of not leaving feedback straight up, but I do need reminding some times :lol: Hopefully I don't do it too often. It really isn't on purpose.

I always wait when dealing with ebay now as I've been burned before when selling items with lazy people not wanting to discuss an issue. I'm always happy to leave feedback first after I receive something for eBay too because that's how I do things on there.

you've been quilty of it Brad? not Doonay? or Blankety? :p
im now fretting whether my good deed has arrived, I'll give it to the end of the week...
Agreed Chad, leaving feedback is the best way of letting the person know politely (they get a pm) and at the same time you are completing the trade.
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