I will be visiting Melbourne in about 3 weeks time. Just wondering if there are any good places in or near the CBD to buy sealed Basketball card packs/boxes.
Last time I was there I found Card Zone near the Queen Vic markets. Also Kickz101 had a few packs. I happened to go past another Card Zone somewhere just outside the CBD, didnt know exactly where I was though.
I heard that people in the Queen Vic markets were selling cards but I have never seen any after 4 or 5 visits there. I'd be stoked if I could find a card shop in the actual CBD. Especially one were I could bring a few cards in too trade/sell.
Your out of luck mate. As far as I know there's nothing in the cbd anymore. Cardzone is not great for bball but has some stuff but a bit expensive as you would know if you have visited. I don't know of any cards in queen Victoria market, but if you jump on a train and head to dAndenong on a Saturday you will find some at the dandenong markets. Also on a Sunday at the carribean gardens in scoresby, these markets are Also open on weekdays but I forget which days. Sorry there's nothing closer!