Mavs Maildays Mojo


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A couple of these have been in holding cells waiting for a specific one to come in.

Also, the Ultiamte Patch is damaged, yes, a long story, am getting a partial refund on the card, so I'm allowed to keep it.

Quite happy how it worked out.

Here's the cards:
The Twins...LOVE these cards, been very patient in getting these, they are crispy mint!!!


Pushes my Auto count to 62...

Now the patches....

This was an awesome pickup @$14.95.....

Lastly, the "LL" Patch this is an awesome card, just a pitty about the damage.... :cry:

Now to update my signature... :D

p.s. keep an eye out for the next Mavs Mailday... it's gonna be HUGE!! Well I think so...
So the guy finally admitted that he's an idiot and gave you partial refund aye? Happy for ya Scotty!

That patch is sweet!!!! I'm glad Devin's been playing good basketball for the Mavs for you man. :) I think it was Dirk who said Devin is the future star of the Mavs. ;)
Those inscriptions are bloody awesome! :eek:

Way better than some grill on a suped up Lancer! :p

That patch for $15 is a steal too. Once again Devin doesn't let us down with a pose :rolleyes:

And good on Paul giving you a refund. Anything we said to get him to pay LOL

Well done. I should have bought that West 'RC' he had a did a file back on his arse to teach him a lesson

Now fix that bloody sig you wanker
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