Silver Parallel
SP9, SP13, SP19, SP21, SP22, SP25, SP32, SP33, SP38, SP40, SP50, SP51, SP52, SP58, SP59, SP63, SP64, SP65, SP66, SP69, SP79, SP97, SP98, SP104, SP130, SP137, SP161, SP164
Fab Four Gold
FFG24, FFG30, FFG44, FFG48
Rising Star
RSG13, RSG15, RSG19
So I've updated my list to show which cards I'm trying to get rid of - I'm still working on my want list as I've got a few coming in. If you need any of the above PM me and I will send you my wantlist when it's done
Silver Parallel
SP9, SP13, SP19, SP21, SP22, SP25, SP32, SP33, SP38, SP40, SP50, SP51, SP52, SP58, SP59, SP63, SP64, SP65, SP66, SP69, SP79, SP97, SP98, SP104, SP130, SP137, SP161, SP164
Fab Four Gold
FFG24, FFG30, FFG44, FFG48
Rising Star
RSG13, RSG15, RSG19
So I've updated my list to show which cards I'm trying to get rid of - I'm still working on my want list as I've got a few coming in. If you need any of the above PM me and I will send you my wantlist when it's done