Today we participate at this event because an extraordinary member of this community has done something awesome for us :
he has send these in gift for me and my kids so thats we could participated with you.
Before opening i would say at you Clay ( Strop ) you're a true friend and a great member of our community and i thanks you a lot for what you have done for me and my kids also a big thanks to you're awesome wife.
I'm very touched ( sorry i cry a little ) and now the children shout : "stop crying it's time to break Mama and have FUN "
I will answer : ME not because i open a pack but becaus ei have see my kids really appreciated and excited to open and the joy on their faces was the best for me.
Concerning the LEAF auto of Will Barton the card is your Skip please pm me your adress ( in case you have changed your adress ) and i will post the card for you tomorrow