Maso mailday!


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a pretty big mailday here
sorry 4 the crappy pics i really need a camera 4 christmas =D
ok here they r
im offically colecting dee brown,jermareo davidson,morris almond n p j tucker
so if any1 has some of them they want 2 part with contact me and ill take them out of ur hands.
adam haluska auto/jersey 90/169 and james augustin bowman chrome auto
auto gu n auto.jpg
left-11/29 triple jersey mid-almond rookie auto 403/599 n jersey auto 29/199
morris almond 2.jpg
p.j tucker patch auto 66/250
p  j tucker.jpg
p.j tucker jersey auto(red)29/50
p.j tucker.jpg
p.j tucker quad jersey 2/75 mid-auto 10/50 right rookie auto
p j tucker lot.jpg
topps chrome rc auto gold 23/25
triple auto 5/39 almond:woot: daequan cook n aaron afflalo
triple auto 5 of 39.jpg :eek:
nice shelden williams jersey patch auto 4/25
shelden williams 4 of 25.jpg
patrick o'bryant jersey patch auto 6/25
patrick o'bryant 6 of 25.jpg
randolph gu n carrawell auto
randolph gu carrawell auto.jpg
thanks 4 lookin and dnt 4 get i still need more of them 4 playa's:thumbsup:

auto gu n auto.jpg

morris almond 2.jpg

p  j tucker.jpg

p j tucker lot.jpg

p.j tucker.jpg


triple auto 5 of 39.jpg

shelden williams 4 of 25.jpg

patrick o'bryant 6 of 25.jpg

randolph gu carrawell auto.jpg
o i 4 got 2 put in trilogu dual auto r.brewer n dee brown 13/33
and just a dee brown auto rc
n j.j redick n balkman gu
Sory Mate, i thought i had some of those players.
But i might when i get my next lot of mail.
getting like 200 NBA cards!!!

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