Marvel Xmen,Spiderman Masterpieces Inserts

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Hey guys got a whole lots of cards from my brother to sell. Just going thru them all now, there look to be inserts all from the 90s marvel metal silver, gold, holograms. suspended animation. cards from spiderman, marvel masterpiece. fleer ultra xmen, leathal weapons. marvel flair.
There are bits and pieces all in protective plastics, just pm me your list. or give me a day or 2 and Il update the thread with all cards listed.
Hey dude, these are the 90s marvel cards im chasing: If you have a few let me know.

Marvel Creators Collection - Gold set, Checklist

Marvel Masterpieces 1994 - Bronze holofoils - any

Marvel Masterpieces 1995

- Canvas,1,2,3,4,6,7,9,10,12,13,14,16,17,18,19,20,21,22

- Holoflash - Any

Marvel Silver Age - Alex Ross 5,6,9

Marvel Universe 1993 - 3d card, base card #44 (psylocke)

Marvel Universe 1994 - Gold Powerblast #5, 3d hologram set,

Spider-man 1994 - Gold Foil - (From jumbo packs) 2,4,5,6
(From Walmart packs) 1,2,3,6

Spider-man Fleer Ultra 95 - Holoblasts 3,4,5,6

X-men 2 (1993) Holithograms H1, H2
Hey mate will get back to you soon, Ive found 3 of the 4 3d hologram set for marvel universe 1994(wolverine,silver surfer and war machine and 1 holoblast spiderman 95 spiderman v scorpion 3/6. will post back soon once i check others
Have sold some. but il get back to you with an updated list of cards for sale.i received more . give me a few days . thanks ruawhare
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