Not been posting Exquisites here for a while, since there wasn't much I was hanging out for...................................except for one card for a set completion and now......................I have it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It took quite a while to get my hands on one of these, since there weren't many around and most were not in circulation, but scooped it up when it came along.
And now, I present to you.........................
Must have been hard hunting all of those down, good job. If you ever get sick of the Magic you know where to find me
Seriously though, good job. 1 out of 28 makes it such a unique collection even more so considering those odds may never be made up by other collectors with the same goal...
Yeah I know.................that's where I think most of the Dr J's have been and that's why it was hard to get my hands on one.
I think it was also cos there are a few die hard Dr J fans holding on to them. The Russell numbered to 28 tended to show up on EBay a lot more often then the Dr J.