Major Pc mailday, WOW!! :)


Super Bargnani Collector
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well i'll start off with some bargnani cards that i picked up, nothing too exciting as it feels like i am giving up on his pc because i have every card that ever hits ebay...booo!

Jersey number 7/50 xfractor

Luxury box 10/15 auto jersey

next we have 2 new cards for my pc chase.

2004 - 2005 Tracy McGrady Jambalaya

scans don't do the card any justice as i think the 03 -04 version of these cards scan the worse due to dark color backgrounds and the kind of finish they put on the front of the card so i tried to brighten it up but it didn't scan too great but its truely amazing in person and is a key card to my new chase.

Lebron James 03 - 04 Rookie Jambalaya

Wow great stuff getting the big name Jambalaya's first! And nice Bargs additions there with the Jersey #/d X fractor :)
sweet pickups mate, and awesome job with the jambalayas you must have just about all the best and most expensive by now?? will make the rest of the set chase much easier
thanx for sharing!
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