i would be devestated to see you out of the hobby, really hope this gets sorted. so shipment has already left their warehouse im assuming, any reply back as yet?
so what happens at customs? arent they gonna want 7% or something like that. that will be a ridiculous bill, really hope they sort this out for you asap!
holy f**k thats insane
That's crazy bro
What cards were in there?
I'm gonna be shipping some boxes, one touches and cards home in the next week, hopefully nothing like this happens
Their CS has been awesome for me, sucks that they won't do much for you guys
I'd try and get an official statement from MMB outlining the monumental eff up as well as whatever proof of purchase (comc and ebay purchase history) to get the total down to the actual value.
Will be a delay that is not needed
Can I ask why there is even such a document for this shipment? Going over it and wondering how they made such a huge fcuk up also made me think - Hang on, why is there even an itemised and costed packing slip??
Interesting, have never seen that commercial inv before. Normally the only values listed are the ones that came with the card ie what was on the USPS slip. Unless you should choose to list other values when you repack.That's the commercial invoice they have to declare to customs.
A couple of the items were listed as "plastic parts" and "art supplies", DHL wanted more info and she emailed me that commercial invoice to show me what she was talking about. I wouldn't have found out about the declared total otherwise until I get the dreaded text/email from DHL to contact them (which has happened already).
They f***ed up not only on the total but also the itemising on the invoice. I made 99 transactions totaling around 459 cards. They listed it as 459 different transactions with base unit prices. E.G. A 90 card lot that was declared in their system as $2 for the entire lot became $180 each card. Huge huge huge screw up.
My last shipment and my next shipment have had cards, games, shoes, and toys in them. Never had any trouble like that. Who made the error? Brooke is normally great to deal with however I think she has a sister or something called Mary (?) That's the one that gave me a bit of sass instead of actually noting my point.