dickyKnee - Thanks Yeah, the patch is real cool. I'll fire up the good ol camera for some pics later on, as i'm just too lazy right now Ha ha ha
I'll add it to my mailday post later on.
ace e - ha ha ha ha Thats true mate, autoed game used rock the world And lets face it, whom doesn't like gold!
exzibit3 - Thanks, glad you enjoyed
Marion is the Matrix! - Thanks, yeah, it's pretty nifty. Part of the N?
loafic - Thanks, glad you njoyed the view
Moses - Thanks, it's pretty sweet. You can feel the oldness in it.
I was just thinking, I'm building a pretty cool Doctor J collection at the moment. Hmmmmmm.
Nash13 - Thanks Matt, glad you enjoy
Cowboys78 - Ha ha ha That I am, that I am
ScottE - Thanks Scott
nenjabin - Thanks mate Ha ha ha ha Oh don't get me started, on that, don't get me started. If you can no longer see a womans face on a board, i'm outta here well and truley.
jimboiitmac - Thanks
Yeah, it's a toughy, they are both ooohhh so pretty. I would hate to chose, but i'd probably go the Magic too.