mailday- sooooo kobelicious!


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today i have received this one...

02-03 sp authentic dual signatures kobe bryant - kareem abdul-jabbar shortprinted /20



can u find the mistake on that card :-9

a very nice looking card- i love that design of it..with those silver and white...

thanks for looking

wow.. what a sweet card.. lakers legend and lakers one to be a legend :)

the designer was just thinking about DR. J i guess hahaha...

DR.J and KAJ dual sig will be another awesome stuff
Huge pick-up. Two of the Laker's greatest player. Nice looking sigs too.

Dr J's auto would have also looked great next to Kareem.

thank you all guys. i appreciate your comments. yeah- the mistake is very obvious (@bigsarg - its ok that u did not have seen it from the beginning)
i like that dual auto, one of my favourits- i think that this is the only card with a kobe and a kareem auto together on one card.
i also like that thing much more with that error. it makes itmore unique- but i think all of them (there should be 20 out there) are having that mistake on the back.

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