Thanks Zac. I couldn't believe how much stuff came up through the finals. Missed out on a few other rippers but guess someone wanted them more. Hopefully was picked up by someone caught up in the Bron hype and will see them back up on the market soon for about half the price!!
Sounds like a borderlinx business plan you have there Nick. Send them someone and get junk / nothing back in return!!! Still need the 1/1 platinum for the rainbow. I will have to check to see if the Bron is auto'd - if it is going to cost a small fortune to pick up. Will be on the lookout now though.
Love that UDA stuff too, but dang, he looks old on that cover! Congrats on your first 1/1 - tons of other Bron collectors out there would be wanting that!
I hadn't really noticed how he looked Skip until you pointed it out Being blown up on a 16x20 print doesn't help either. UDA do bring out some great pieces. About time I stopped buying them and spent the $$$ on getting it all framed!
Thanks for the comment Trevor. I had the same problem when I got them in hand. So many I hadn't seen before and to have them stashed in the PC now was a great feeling. At the end I couldn't go past the certified.