Mail fromt he past couple of weeks


Chitown For Life
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Been slow for me the last couple of weeks.. (saving for Carpet,Garden for the new house) but i have still managed to pick up a couple of bargains for the PC..

enjoy the pics

ill start with iggy first

im such a sucka for these auto focas. im still amazed there plastic

love how clean cut this card looks

Im still looking for the Josh Smith of this type of cards (ive got already got the gordon anyone got the smith LMK)

Now to Ben Gordon (this dude has been stressing me out with his contract just sign the bloody thing)

This one was a bargin

Uconn baby



Enjoy the scans
Like the Gordon Ultimate auto and the Quad jersey :) Any news on his contract? (Gordon that is)

Well the news is the bulls offered him 5 years 58mil but he wants to be the highest paid on the team. The bulls dont wanna pay the lux tax so thats the max they can offer. theres no way he will be the highest paid cos Deng just got a 6 year 71 mil. i just hope he signed the 58mil so we can look forward and make some trades for a bigman and so i can continue collecting BG7 cos if hes not a bull i aint collecting him anymore.
Love those BG's man, Ultimate is my fav and The Bowman JSY Auto is nice aswell. Hope he sticks around mate. :thumbsup:
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