Maggette Sweet Mailday


Old perth boy
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Was hanging out to add these 2 sweet cards to the first Exquisite auto path #6/50 and the fleer silver autographics #97/250.
Many thanks to gems and brad for making these available...:D
wow sweet cards uncle stevo,you must have a cool collection happening.

well done

ps:can you pm your addy

Stevo, that limited logos card is awesome. Im glad you finally managed picked one up.

Your Magette collections is coming along very nicely!

Thanks gems was feeling pretty generous and let me have it at a great rate......only thing missing from the collection now is a logoman !!~:( :lol:
Stevo, you seen the monster Magette Collection up on ebay at the moment? Has a selective swatch logoman, and about 4 "in the name" cards.

Yeeeeeeeeeeeah!! Love the Exquisite!

The Autographics is awesome too aye! /250 is pretty good for something back then! Nice job mate! Well done Gems n Brad!
twentysomething said:
Stevo, you seen the monster Magette Collection up on ebay at the moment? Has a selective swatch logoman, and about 4 "in the name" cards.


Thanks for the heads up mate...ill check it out for sure!!!
welcome to the exquisite club stevo!...hey wait im not a member :( one of these days. :D

beautiful patch on that, theyre just gorgeous cards.
gemini0928 said:
Nice addition Uncle Stevo. But where is that exquisite auto (path) going? :D

Pretty much nowhere .:lol:
Ide have never spent big bucks to buy it but gems made it possible for me to do so with part trade and some cash...
If i didnt have mutiple hobbies i could no doubt afford most of his cards..
Short of a lotto win cards will always take a backset to my trucks:D
stevo great trade with Gemz, it great to see such a nice looking card go to your pc. well done, the other Maggette auto looks sweet also.
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