With the new season looming I'd like to knock off a few of the lower-end West Coast cards I'm chasing before the new series are released.
As there's quite a few I'm going to put up the cards from five series at a time and then after two days put some new ones up - so hopefully it should be easy to look through the list to see if you have anything I need!
Please, if you have anything at all off this list, post in this thread or send me a PM - I am happy to trade or I have PayPal ready to go if you'd rather sell.
Thanks for looking
2012 Teamcoach:
Silver (shiny version, like the checklists from that year): Jack Darling 175, Dean Cox 197.
2015 Teamcoach:
Gold: Andrew Gaff 113, Chris Masten 114, Matt Priddis 115.