Lost but found mailday!


Al-farouq Aminu Supercollector
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Hi guys,

Luckily I get to post this mailday cause as you'll read below, I was worried it wouldn't show up, but more on that later. First i'll get a couple pick ups out the way.

Aminu UD ultimate sigs /99 - I love the design but wish they were on card but oh well. Got it for a steal too!

Udoh certified gold /25 - I've found that Aminu cards I need are starting to dry up so thought I'd go for something different. Love these certified RC parallels.

Well this is the card I thought i'd never see. It took over 2 months to arrive and I had been chasing up the seller for at least a month. They were trying to help but we couldn't track it through USPS even though it was registered. Anyways, the day after I escalated my claim through paypal it turned up in my mailbox! I was pretty stoked as this was the first one i'd seen in a while and managed to get it for half the price the last ones had sold for.

Aminu certified green /5 - LOVE this card

But, just to make it better, and another HUGE reason I was so worried it wouldn't turn up and I wouldn't be able to replace it, it's jersey numbered 3/5!!

Well thanks as always for checking it out guys, and as always, I'll be back with more soon!
Didn't realise those Certified patch cards were so low numbered! Great pick ups and it;s always nice when people don't realise something is jersey numbered! BONUS!
I'm so happy for you man, very short print with a jersey numbered. Very kool and its good to see that lost mail does come sometimes. You and the seller will be very relieved!
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