Looking to trade some low end.

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Metal Head
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I have been getting lists together for my bosh pc wants, but the list is just HUGE. I don't have much to trade in the high end stakes atm and im low on cash, so im looking to trade low end base/parallels/inserts/#'d cards that i need for my Bosh PC.... SO! if you have any Bosh base or other low end and are looking to trade them for other low end base etc of your player OR for set chase cards lmk what you have and we can get something going. No trade is too small and im after ALL Bosh cards.

So...pm me or post what you have, and who you are after :thumbsup:

Looking forward to some trades :v:
Got a couple of Bosh base cards

03/04 Upper Deck Pro Sigs Bronze #82
07/08 Upper Deck First Edition #190
07/08 Upper Deck #190
Here you go

CB JER.jpg

CB JER.jpg
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