Hey guys,
Just looking to start a collection.
I'm only willing to spend $50 AUD to start with so show me what you've got.
I would like to see some rookie cards, sigs and patches.
A 8 - 12 card lot would be awesome!
Big goldenstate and minnesota fan so any players from those teams would be a bonus to.
I don't have access to a paypal account, but will happily send cash or money order.
Will trade a VOX Wah *guitar pedal* for something really nice... just putting it out there .
Cheers guys
Sorry for being a little ***** but I would prefer to send $50 to a single person rather than $8 to multiple people all around the world.
I would like to see some lots of 8 - 12 good quality cards.
No bowman please, those cards have just never appealed to me and probably never will.
Looking for OJ Mayo, Derrick Rose, Randy Foye, Dwayne Wade, Chris Paul, Dwight Howard, Kirk Hinrich, Martell Webster, Russel Westbrooke, Kevin Garnett, Tracy McGrady, Vince Carter.
Or any good up and coming player.
Now I know those are some pretty big names, but I can always dream .
Sorry mate, had no access to internet last night and made a quick deal today.
I might get that Bargnani off you on sunday if possible.
thanks for the offers guys and I may get in touch with a few of you in the near future.
Especially the Chris Paul collector whoever you were .