Hi! I'm looking for someone who collects Pokemon error cards, and can give me some more information about each individual error card and it's variations. I'm hoping that someone on this site is either the collector, or know someone that is.
I have found quite a lot of info already on the bulbapedia Pokemon Wiki, but am looking for further details. Especially in regards to the early cards produced by Wizards.
My fingers are crossed!
Hey mate, I love my old-school pokemon cards; and have a few errors atm.
I probably need to work on getting more; and will when I have the money as some get pretty expensive.
There are heaps of types of pokemon error cards, I.E
Wrong attack information / dates / general information
Off skewed prints, squared borders, damaged printer marks
Wrong energy type
Wrong evolution picture
Different holographic colours (e.g kangaskhan is green / silver, I've seen just silver hologram.)
Offskewed dates / writing / symbols etc..
There is probably more, and I probably should be more specific on exact cards; like the base set vulpix error on the level, and warturtle error on evolution.. But yeah, i can't remember much more off the top of my head.
Thanks Andrew! I have a massive list of cards that have errors, but I'm mainly looking for someone who can tell me which cards were corrected in later print runs, and therefore have two versions of the same card, etc. Do you know much about those kinds of details?