Look at this mistake in ebay listing


Steven Adams Collector #12
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I purchased a Steven Adams card on November 17th Ebay listing : http://www.ebay.com/itm/261657800385?_trksid=p2059210.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT#ht_121wt_1428

The seller has advised it is a /60 but it actually is a /25 Gold proof version.
I did not realise this at first point until i was viewing photos in my COMC account.

He has advised he made a incorrect listing but still did not "close" it so im assuming people passed it without looking to much into it. Still pretty cool scenario to see for something i needed to add.

I looked at sold /25 versions and the three i can see sold at 45,52,55 and ofc my purchase at 20.50 usd.

Does this occur regulary and should i contact the seller ?.

Would like to know your opinions as i am new to the scene and i understand there is no "amount it should sell for" but i believe i got a bit of a steal since he named the listing incorrectly.

If anyone has similiar threads or links to show mistakes that people have listed would be good to read some whilst doing nothing at work!.
If you wanted to be a good Samaritan you could contact the guy and tell him his mistake. Being that he honoured the deal he's more likely happy with the price. You learn that when ebaying, sometimes things sell for a steal and you just have to accept it.

It'd say you won it fair and square and just enjoy your 'steal'. I landed a Kemp SPX finale /50 recently which the seller listed for $4 BIN, but the card is more likely in the $250+ range. Needless to say I was stoked to pick up a vary rare PC item for an amazing price.
had it happen to me recently.
this was listed as the /25 as well. (and a redemption)

to /10 got it for about $40. only live one sold for $120 :) :)

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