dickyKnee Professional Student Feedback - 100% 77 0 0 Nov 3, 2008 #1 Haven't posted any mail for a while and i still have a ton of PC mail to scan. But here are some things that have come in lately: Firstly some stuff for the trade bucket: 30/100 All #/799 Would only move whole set for something nice 9/1250 66/99 Now on to my stuff, After my effort with the Eddie Jordan plate i am now going to see how many plates i can pick up for under $5. Here's number 2 Kandi man First up some Daughterty Autos from trades on here (Thanks guys). Next some classic autos: Laimbeer McGuire 41/50 Walton 77/100 Some harder to find GUs. If anyone has any others from this set please drop me a PM. Also this is one of Barkley's very few GUs Love the idea of these cards (even if they are manufactured). Two of my all time favorites from the 90s Few globies from the 70s. And finally a very cool odd ball pick up. A 1959 Slats Gill, Union Oil booklet. Its a short magazine re basketball and other family activities. Thanks for looking guys
Haven't posted any mail for a while and i still have a ton of PC mail to scan. But here are some things that have come in lately: Firstly some stuff for the trade bucket: 30/100 All #/799 Would only move whole set for something nice 9/1250 66/99 Now on to my stuff, After my effort with the Eddie Jordan plate i am now going to see how many plates i can pick up for under $5. Here's number 2 Kandi man First up some Daughterty Autos from trades on here (Thanks guys). Next some classic autos: Laimbeer McGuire 41/50 Walton 77/100 Some harder to find GUs. If anyone has any others from this set please drop me a PM. Also this is one of Barkley's very few GUs Love the idea of these cards (even if they are manufactured). Two of my all time favorites from the 90s Few globies from the 70s. And finally a very cool odd ball pick up. A 1959 Slats Gill, Union Oil booklet. Its a short magazine re basketball and other family activities. Thanks for looking guys
Ersk Auto collector OZCT Supporter Feedback - 100% 174 0 0 Nov 3, 2008 #2 Love the Harlem Globetrotter cards!
Matt26 OZCT Supporter Feedback - 100% 101 0 0 Nov 3, 2008 #3 Very nice mailday!! Love the Chronology Laimbeer!!
loafic Walt Frazier Collector Feedback - 100% 185 0 0 Nov 3, 2008 #5 loving the gold dwighty, laimbeer ud black, daugherty ultimate auto, the shaq attacks and the super cool globetrotters cards!!! sweeeeet mailday
loving the gold dwighty, laimbeer ud black, daugherty ultimate auto, the shaq attacks and the super cool globetrotters cards!!! sweeeeet mailday
Essellohbeebeewhy OzCardTrader Feedback - 100% 23 0 0 Nov 4, 2008 #8 i absolutely love that kerr/bj auto...stunning card that!!
Funkadelic On Again, Off Again.. Feedback - 100% 184 0 0 Nov 4, 2008 #10 Great lot of stuff The Laimbeer's are cool and so are the Globetrotters' cards!
M mrwhite11 OzCardTrader Feedback - 100% 17 0 0 Feb 13, 2009 #11 rrreeeeeaaaaallllllllyyyyyyyy want the globies plz make me an offer from my bucket or how much$
Moses OzCardTrader Feedback - 100% 154 0 0 Feb 14, 2009 #13 Ersk said: Love the Harlem Globetrotter cards! Click to expand... I agree, awesome.
buyingstuffformikelee Exq Auto Patches rule! Feedback - 100% 117 0 0 Feb 14, 2009 #14 Man, some lovely arrivals there. Dig the dual auto and the Shaq set. I'm sure you will find a home for that from someone. Thanks for sharing
Man, some lovely arrivals there. Dig the dual auto and the Shaq set. I'm sure you will find a home for that from someone. Thanks for sharing