long time away mail - ONLY 1/1 Logo Patch & PMG Greens, ONLY. (+ Rhys 1/1 & ZO /5 AU)

Re: long time away mail - ONLY 1/1 Logo Patch & PMG Greens, ONLY. (+ Rhys 1/1 & ZO /5

Impressive receptions !!!
Sick patch of LAC :woot:
Re: long time away mail - ONLY 1/1 Logo Patch & PMG Greens, ONLY. (+ Rhys 1/1 & ZO /5

Nice pick ups on the PMG'S!!!And the Neck Logo is also a beauty!!!
Re: long time away mail - ONLY 1/1 Logo Patch & PMG Greens, ONLY. (+ Rhys 1/1 & ZO /5

thnx so so very much for all the replies guys. i'll definetly go through em later on and personally reply to each post. cheers :D :D :D :D
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