long awaited but very sick mailday--kobe and lebron and oh a 1/1...


Lebron, Kobe and Westbrook!!!
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hey all....

haven't hunted down a lot for the pc of late...but here are some beauties...

first up some nice low num lebrons:
intrigue gold /10
absolute spectrum /25

couple of kobe autos...getting close to 50 kobe autos now...

nice quad patch /10

and.................after pulling this from my case................

lebron green prizm /5

I snagged his big brother.......................................thank you to my good friend Minh--aka crackberry for the awesome deal on this...............

1/1 black prizm........................

Boom, just flips out the Bron Bron 1/1...niiice! Nice looking quad patch too, some really nice low numbered beauties there man!
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