Today I received 3 dual logoman cards in the mail. Yep that's 6 logoman patches!
For a split second I felt like I was someone who had a million dollars buying up all of the logoman cards, however in this instance my mailday was probably worth about a million dollars less than someones regular maildays.
Anyway, a lot of people dont like these cards, but I like em and think that despite the logos being manufactured, they still look great and ill be sure to pick up a few more for my PC. They are damn think cards i might add!
I don't care what anyone says about manufactured or not..... I LIKE EM!!!!
I gotta get me one.
When you think about it, it's no different to any other logoman... just this one didn't get stitched, then worn, then cut!! They are all 'manufactured' at one point!!!!
Never thought I'd see the day where one of our own drops 6 logomen in one mailday - the working man's logo man! Like the look of them though. Nice haul.
Great pick-ups Matt. I'm definitely one of the faux-goman haters, but that's nothing against the actual look of the cards per se. Plus, a couple of those are really, really nice looking autos, nice one
They are nice looking cards, as long as the logos are seen as card design and not assumed as GU I have no problem with them, they are nice cards. And I have always wanted a Mark Eaton auto, maybe I should try and grab one.