Loads of cards 4 sale or trade!

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Rockets Collector
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I want to buy a box of something 08/09 but really need to clear some folder space.

Want to sell or will trade for any Rockets for my PC.

Will sell base for only postage costs and will throw base in free for any purchase of an RC or GU/Insert

Loads of RCs-Payton,Kemp,Hill,Kidd,Garnett,Durant and D.Rose to name a few

only 3 GU's (ZO, J Williams and D.Williams) but a few nice Inserts

Hoops 90/91, Skybox 94/95, Skybox 95/96, Hoops 95/96 and 07/08 Fleer, Ultra and Upper Deck are the most common brands I have
plenty of base cards for any team collectors

my photobucket features some of the best will add more soon or any on request.
Pictures by dylanT1982 - Photobucket

Thanks for looking:D
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