Live 06 or 2K6??


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I've played both, and of late, I think I'm happier with 2K6.

Live is still a great game, but it's not changed much since the last one.

At the moment, Live's not working properly, so 2K6 is getting the Love. Have started a streetball challenge thing, can build ur baller, and take on the legends at Rucker Park, and other awesome courts!!

Who's played them, and what do you think?
Don't have either! :cry:

None of my video shops have it so can't hire it out, and don't wanna pay big bucks for 'em.

Will let you know what I think when I get a hold of them.
i havnt played 2k6, but live's longitivity doesnt last very long at all. :eek:
i am getten a xbox 360 when it is releasesd but their is sumphen i find odd.
the nba game that is to be released at the leaunch preety much has the best graphics in da world, looks so so REAL, but you can ONLY play friendlys, you cant start a franchise or season. this is probally because or the room is used up in perfecting the graphics.
even tho that sucks balls. i will still but the game 'will be fun multiplayer' :D
They are releasing NBA 2K6 with the 360.... just beefed up the graphics.

Not sure I'm gonna get a 360 for a while, quite happy with my Xbox at the mo.
I played a few games of Live 2006 and gotta say it felt really slow and clunky when I played it.
Honestly I think it took a step backwards based on my initial impressions.
It just wasn't as fun to play it compared to the previous releases in my opinion.
I've decided that 2K6 is better.

Live 06 hasnt improved much from 05 version.

2K6 has heaps better improvements..

1 - Controls are much more realistic, trying to drive around your defender is harder than Live (so it's better!), backing ur defender down has never been the same! You can back him down, drop step, and power up for the jam!

2 - You can play a Street-Ball type game (rather than the normal season), improve ur players rankings, and take on better players.

3 - Not sure if there's a dunk comp tho... havent found 1 yet...

4 - Blocking 14 shots per game on the hardest setting is something to be proud of... LMAO!

5 - Lastly, the visuals are awesome, like you can save your replays during the game, and at half time, it'll show you the best player from each team, and actual highlights FROM THE GAME that you play!!! No shit!!

For those not played it, check it out, you wont be disappointed, just dont play it like you would Live.... totally different controls!
The one with Dwayne Wade on the cover is awesome! (LOL cant remember if its Live or 2k6) The last NBA game I played was NBA Live 2000 and it was like playing basketball with Tekken characters. :lol:

I tried this one out at a mate's place and of course I used the Nets and got my ass handed to me by Miami.. then I used Phoenix where Amare owned with 86 points and 18 rebounds and I kicked my mate's Miami ass!

I love the graphics and the controls.. you can also do slow motion crazy airtime moves. I haven't seen all the features yet but it looks awesome!

I'm thinking of getting it on PS2.. It's $99 in the shops.. and I probably will this weekend. :D
i like the live 06 version. its has the madest slam dunk comp ever. the new additions of player specialties like shot blocker, high riser and that is cool

i enjoyed 2k5 when i had it. havent found 2k6 yet for hire
Yeah the specialties are a cool addition.

I havent been able to find Live 06 for hire.... is it just me, or is it not out yet?

I've called all the "MAIN" places in Tassie (sourthern) but cant locate a copy...
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