before i get onto the following, let me point out this is NOT aimed at any 1 person/s. ive noticed this for a while but have just always forgot to post the suggestion . so before i forget gain :
sometimes ive gone into some sections of the site only to see one member setup 3-4-5-even 6 threads, literally . this i see is primarily happening in the for sale/trade sections on the site (mostly in the NBA section). so how about the rule where you can only have 2 threads at any given time on Page 1?? know what I mean yeh? so you cant bump more than 2 threads if you see they've moved over to Page 2 +.
what do u guys think? 2 threads MAX allowed on Page1 at any given time, or keep it as is and see sometimes 2-3 members take over nearly the entire Page 1 results ? cheers guys, wishin u all a very merry xmas and the abolute best for 2011. STEVE
Re: Limit on the number of FS/FT threads allowed on page1
yeh man ur rite on the point of how mods/admin would be able to control the 2 thread limit. im not sure the options given, but maybe mods can move it to Page 2 if more than 2 threads are started/bmped. it'll have to be moved cos if a thread is deleted it is still shown/visible in the results. or even on the screen where you "setup a new thread", make there a warning/note on the top of the page advising of the rule.
Re: Limit on the number of FS/FT threads allowed on page1
It's a good idea and has been brought up before with the bump every 24 hours function but yeah, you can still bump 6 threads consecutively after 24hrs.
Re: Limit on the number of FS/FT threads allowed on page1
, yeh its meant to read "why cant people make 1 thread etc etc".
id like to see admins thoughts on this .
ps. a lot of other forums usually only allow 1 FS/FT thread per member, and you simply update it each time you have anything new/that needs changing. as of late ive tried to this this aswell, generally i noticed on ozcardtrader though that MORE people tend to look at the "new" threads you start, over looking at one of ur updated threads. i guess thats the part where you MUST write in the title (example) "NEW CARDS 19Dec ..........". otherwise a lot of people wont check out the bumped thread.
That's exactly why I don't like the idea of one thread per member..... I agree users shouldn't be able to flood the page with their crap though.... but I'd say it'd be a bit difficult to restrict threads per person to the first page.. much easier to control it on an hourly basis kinda thing.
That's exactly why I don't like the idea of one thread per member..... I agree users shouldn't be able to flood the page with their crap though.... but I'd say it'd be a bit difficult to restrict threads per person to the first page.. much easier to control it on an hourly basis kinda thing.
yeh man i know what u mean. it may be hard to do, but max 2 threads on page 1 Ur allowed. it usually only when U see 4-6 threads all ontop of each other from the same user. other than that nearly every1 only makes the 1 thread. but the idea of always updating ur FS/FT thread, instead of simply making/starting a new one, would save a heap in the end on space used. im doing the update thread ones at the moment instead of startign a new one, so we'll see how it goes i guess . but i do know U tend to get more people check out new threads U start over ones that have been updated. it may be the person needs to properly title their thread so it clearly writes something along the lines of "new thread/thread udpated Dec.../etc etc". that way people seeing it will know theres some new stuff in there.