FabFiveFan OzCardTrader Feedback - 100% 53 0 0 Aug 13, 2012 #1 Gday all, I've been slowly picking up the P&P Fireworks, Raining 3's & Breakout inserts and only need the following to finish them off: Fireworks - #2 (Blake Griffin), #3 (Kobe), #9 (Melo), #18 (Lin) Raining 3's - #1 (Dirk), #5 (Paul Pierce), #13 (Ray Allen) Breakout - #1 (Griffin), #16 (Harden), #23 (Ibaka), #26 (Gordon Hayward) Please LMK if you are able to help. Cheers Richard
Gday all, I've been slowly picking up the P&P Fireworks, Raining 3's & Breakout inserts and only need the following to finish them off: Fireworks - #2 (Blake Griffin), #3 (Kobe), #9 (Melo), #18 (Lin) Raining 3's - #1 (Dirk), #5 (Paul Pierce), #13 (Ray Allen) Breakout - #1 (Griffin), #16 (Harden), #23 (Ibaka), #26 (Gordon Hayward) Please LMK if you are able to help. Cheers Richard
C Chef .. Feedback - 100% 137 0 0 Aug 13, 2012 #2 Hi Richard i have a Breakout - #23 (Ibaka), LMK thanks
The One Dwade OzCardTrader Feedback - 100% 22 0 0 Aug 13, 2012 #4 I think I have ray Allen raining 3s and harden and
ADELAIDE CHILLI SOURCE OzCardTrader Feedback - 100% 40 0 0 Aug 13, 2012 #5 out of what i have left this is what i have off your list. fireworks LIN and kobe. raining threes Dirk and Blake Griffen Breakout.
out of what i have left this is what i have off your list. fireworks LIN and kobe. raining threes Dirk and Blake Griffen Breakout.
FabFiveFan OzCardTrader Feedback - 100% 53 0 0 Aug 15, 2012 #6 PM all replied to, thanks to all for their assistance. At this stage I now only need 3 cards from Past & Present and they are: Lebron James - Fireworks, Paul Pierce - Raining 3's and Gordon Hayward - Breakout. If anyone can help me, as this will finish off my Past & Present chasing...bring on the Rookie Autos of Hoops and Prestige.
PM all replied to, thanks to all for their assistance. At this stage I now only need 3 cards from Past & Present and they are: Lebron James - Fireworks, Paul Pierce - Raining 3's and Gordon Hayward - Breakout. If anyone can help me, as this will finish off my Past & Present chasing...bring on the Rookie Autos of Hoops and Prestige.