Let's trade, Oh I can't trade THAT!


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If you have a tradelist, lets keep it as a tradelist, have had someone reply to a post I had asking for trades, saying he was chasin a couple of cards, check his bucket.

I picked out 2 I liked from his TRADE LIST

To which I get a reply "Oh I don't want to trade those but I do like these...."

And then he proceeded to try and get cards from my PC

If it aint for trade, don't have it on your trade list, it just wastes people's time!
I must admit I have been guilty of this a couple of times, but more cause I hadn't updated my bucket and moved files to new areas. But aggree with the principle whole heartedly!
I don't get it......

Someone asked you to trade your PC cards? Or ??

But you're right, PC cards are generally off limits, unless you're trading for someone elses PC cards.
Nah someone contacted me to trade, found some cards in my trade list, I then said, ok well I liked these in their trade list to which they responded they'd only trade against cards in my PC?!?

If they didn't want to do trade cards for trade cards, they shouldn't have contacted me in the first place right?

I mean, why waste people's time?
Nah someone contacted me to trade, found some cards in my trade list, I then said, ok well I liked these in their trade list to which they responded they'd only trade against cards in my PC?!?

If they didn't want to do trade cards for trade cards, they shouldn't have contacted me in the first place right?

I mean, why waste people's time?

I think what that means is they valued the cards you wanted as more important than the cards they wanted - at least thats my understanding of what you are asying - which is their right...

I often want to trade but I often don't have the right cards and I don't find that a problem.... if they ask for PC I just say no thanks... its part of trading.

Correct me if I am wrong in my understanding of what you are saying.
your thread title kinda reminds me of the meatloaf song, "i'd do anything for love, but i wont do that" :lol:

I do agree though, someone once put up a thread, check my bucket, want to trade, i saw a Darko i needed and said interested in that, to which he reponds "sorry thats PC" but it was in his trade area...frustrating
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